this ones more like it:
Kilometres: 318,092km
Body: white, 5 door, Hatchback
Fuel type: Petrol
Engine: 4 cylinder, 1600cc, Manual
Import history: NZ New
Registration expires: Apr 2007
WOF expires: May 2007
Number plate: NA6959
Stereo description: CD Player
Features: Air conditioning
Power steering
Original NZ GT No 152 of approx 183 made
We have receipts from previous owners for work done, last owner had clutch replaced, battery, rear main seal, water pump and cambelt tensioner and gearbox.
This has the 4AGE Engine
Viewing will be in the evenings after 6.30pm or weekends
Change of ownership to be sighted on pickup
We have owned the car for 3 months and are selling due not being suitable for wife and kids, but good fun.
All auctions to be paid within 5 days of closing unless by prior arrangement
Car buyer's checklist