Timoz wrote:hey Rev what can i do to fix it if it had been damage already? and how much around to fix it up probably?
Are you reading?
If its the bearings you need to do this:
Take sump off,
undo big end caps, replace the bearings.
Put caps and sump back on.
Sounds simple doesnt it...
Expect the fact that you WILL have damaged the crank because you are still running it.
So you will need to take sump off, take front pulleys etc off, remove gearbox and flywheel and crap, then take off the big end and the main caps, then lift out the crank. Go get the crank ground, reassemble with the right size bearings and lube, and put it all back together.
AGAIN! If you have to ask, you can't do it. Unless you have someone to show you how.