The 40th NZDRA Drag Racing Nationals. MMP 2nd & 3rd Feb

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Postby holden_fan2005 » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:25 pm

Ill confirm the import classes sometime tonight
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Postby holden_fan2005 » Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:28 pm

This is the plan for the japper classes:

There are no turbo rwd/4wd or n/a individual classes as such for this meeting (due to being a full NZDRA meeting etc).

You can enter in the sport compact (details in the rule book you should have) and you are fully welcome to race in superstreet (dyo). DYO isn't that hard at all! Theres no need to be fast, just good off the tree and consistent. I raced for 4 years in j/d and generally came in the top 5 so i do know what I'm talking about :wink: If anyone needs any more details about dyo give me a yell.

Any more questions ask away.

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Postby AE82 FXGT » Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:57 pm

A sort of 'I know someone who knows someone' thing, I heard that the Rayglass Celica will be there, can't confirm though
Previous: '85 AE82 FXGT, '92 AE101 GTZ, '92 AE101 GT-APEX, '04 SE3P RX8, '05 Mazda 6 MPS, '97 NA8C MX5, '03 GSX250, '08 ZX6R, '13 GROM
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Postby holden_fan2005 » Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:30 am

Just to confirm, sport compact and sport mod are comp classes (cages, comp license etc). Superstreet is the street car class.
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