A hatch and good for long distance? Probably not the easiest combination to work with.
As above, I'm not a fan of the Audi/VW stuff as I have to work on it. A lot of parts we have to get do have to come from Singapore, though its usually here in about a week which is better than anything out of Japan. Just with Japanese stuff its usually here already or there is an aftermarket alternative.
And as above again, for the Euro stuff the BMWs seem to be the better of the bunch. While I find most Euro stuff isn't that nice to drive, if you're spending a bit then things do get better. The lower end and smaller the VWs get the worse they are to drive (much like the Mercs really).
Take a few for a spin and see what you reckon. The A3s aren't really a nice car at all, but if you go up to a Passat or the like they get a whole lot better.
What sort of budget?
And Alfa? Hope you got deep pockets
Mmmm..... $6000 repair job due to faulty factory air flow meter
Or the electric roof deciding not to work and the 6 hydraulic rams that control it needing reconditioning at $600 per ram... plus labour... plus repairs to the roof itself... plus GST