by strap-on » Tue Sep 09, 2003 10:07 am
i cant remember the exact spec, but u want a resitor thats gonna use up at least 11.3 of those 12 volts.
*goes and thinks*
dammit i cant remember the formula for working out potential dividers
oh well here sthe vvt document again:
(i didnt write this lol no way would i be seen dead in a trueno, and yes it does work for ae111's as well)
Note that the following was carried out on my AE101 Toyota Trueno, Silvertop. I don't know if its applicable to other models.
You'll need:
1 x 5mm LED (any colour should work ok, but will result in slightly different brightnesses when using the same resistor)
1 x 5mm LED holder
1 x 560 Ohm resistor (0.125W or larger)
About 1m of 2 core cable
Heatshrink tubing or insulation tape
Cable ties
Soldering iron and/or small screw terminal connectors
Procedure - Wiring:
Solder wires onto LED legs. Make a note of the longer of the 2 LED legs, as this is 'positive'. Cover with heatshrink tubing to protect from short circuits.
In one of the wires, break it and solder in the 560 Ohm resistor (either wire, doesnt really matter)
Connect positive side of LED (the longer leg) wire to a switched 12V/ignition power source. Any easy place to find this is the back of your stereo
Connect the Negative side of the LED to the VVT output on the ECU's 26 pin connector. This will switch to Gnd when VVT is activated, causing the LED to turn on. The ECU is located behind the stereo, but I think accessing it from the passenger foot well is the easiest if you pull the panels off on the side. Its a bitch to get at, and I recommend cuting the wire about 10cm back from the ECU and joining into it using screw or crimp terminals as the easiest way. Make sure you reconnect both ends of the wire you cut, otherwise your VVT won't go no more.