Ive always brought nzpc mag, ever since i started buying car mags when i was about 15 and always will, I like to see whats going on in our scene and our country, plus they shot the mr2 a few weeks ago as well, the day before the massive earthquake down here in fact. Quite su.rprised as its not what most ppl consider cool and I never thought of it as worthy as a magazine haha. Not sure when its out though
Scott's wee KE is amazing, had a bit of a happening on the last pass for the night and the crank is now in a couple of pieces and the block has a bit of a ventilation problem haha but Im sure he will be back soon and pushing harder. Be cool to see it on a full slick and some wheelie bars, and see it go well into the 7s
Zoom is a great mag as well and if your into import drag racing and shit that goes fast pretty hard to beat.
Current ride: Sweeeeet Hiace. 3L power!!!!
Project: AW11 4agte, 410kw 555hp on 26psi
11.1 @ 125.5mph with more to come, As seen in Aug 2011 Performance Car, haha
Huge thanks to Phil from NZEFI, Al and Brendan from Caraid and Hamish from Sheifield Cresent Auto