True Blue Tyre Goo

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True Blue Tyre Goo

Postby ch4ng » Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:50 pm

Has anyone tried this stuff?
I saw it demonstrated at Big boys toys a few years back, the guy had an inflated tyre on a stand with the liquid inside, wielding a cordless drill and a screw he put holes in the tyre all day long and with one rotation it sealed. You could hear the hissing stop!

The site says due to its low viscosity it spreads evenly and does not affect wheel ballance. Which is the only thing im worried about.

Do you think it would have adverse effects when used in a high performance environment e.g. Trackdays?

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Postby captain crescent » Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:35 pm

we use this stuff at work only the low speed one but they do a high speed one . when they did the demonstration at work they said spike strips wouldn't be a problem.
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Postby B_giB » Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:59 am

It is only for emergency's.

Once you use it, you can't repair the puncture properly, the goo soaks into the inner liner of the tyre and the puncture repair cement wont set properly.

As for not affecting wheel balance, I call bull. The amount of times I had a customer come in complaining of wheel balance issues wanting me to balance their tyres, and I couldn't balance them out, I remove the tyre from the rim, and hello, it is filled with tyre weld crap.
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Postby AE82 FXGT » Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:23 pm

that video on the second site is so useless it might as well have been done with a phone, hell my phone takes better video than that.

This puncture proofing stuff, whatever works, would be handy for me as my car can't carry a spare and only has one of those puncture repair kits that makes it so you cant repair the tyre.
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Postby FLAWLES » Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:31 pm

i sell the shit at work for contractor mowers and very very small tractors

wouldnt put it in the big stuff or use it in your tyres for track days ( you would be stupidly mad to )

dont get me wrong its good stuff ( i sell it buy the truck load like i say to mowing contractors ) if you have a puncture but its for those oh crap just in case situations to get you home, and with that in mind i still wouldnt trust it and wouldnt go over 80lm/h and treat it like a space saver

what you dont see is the shit it does to the inside of your tyre, not that it matters much as you will wana replace you tyre anyway if you get a hole of what not...but that blue shit gets every where and turns into a fine powder

also they are very good and NOT CHARGING you for a pallet load of the stuff........still waiting on my inv for the stuff i ordered 4 months ago now haha
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Postby ch4ng » Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:44 am

Yeah, just interested to see if anyone has used it, etc.
Thanks for the info, I wont be using it in my car, I can do my own punctures for free anyways.
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