I'm changing a factory twin wiper system to run just a single big wiper from the centre of the windscreen, basically removing the drivers side wiper/rotor/linkage and having the centre one sweep as much of the windshield as possible by modding it to sweep more than it's current 180degrees (to say 240 degrees). It's a pretty simple task except working out how much Ill need to shorten the little arm on the wiper rotor by (cut + weld).
Allow me to dazzle you with my paint skillz:

So currently the wiper sweep 180 degrees, from 0 to 90 then back to 0 as the wiper motor does its 360degree cycle. Because the arm on the wiper motor is 40mm long, and the arm on the rotor is 55mm long (centres to centres).
If the rotor arm was the same length as the motor arm (40mm), the wiper would do 360 instead of 180.
So toyota making the rotor arm 15mm longer cut the wiper's sweep by 180 degrees...
I only want the sweep cut by 120 degrees
so (15mm divided by 180) X 120 = 10mm...
So to get 240 degree sweep (0 to 120 then back to 0) the rotor arm needs to be only 10mm longer than the motor arm (50mm instead of its current 55mm).
Only thing is, i'm not completely sure I've got this right, the brain doesn't handle this shit too well these days so I don't trust my reasoning, anyone care to chime in?
