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Postby Mr Ree » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

Its so simple.

1 for 1
wak thud gush!
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Postby Bling » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:56 pm

You'd think so, sadly people aren't that smart. They also need to get to their destination before you, so get out the way.
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Postby kim0663 » Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:02 am

You guys have it easy in NZ.
One day of full driving in any Asian country would suffice to increase tolerance levels beyond godlike (I'm thinking... Korea). Buses will push into your lane without any indication, 4x4s here are a joke. Really comes down to who has the bigger testes there...

Drive over there long enough and the retardation is contagious!

Doesn't seem to be chronic as I'm returning back to my old considerate self :oops:
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Postby rollaholic » Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:28 am

i found argentina pretty diabolical at first. but they do seem to follow some basic rules, just those rules are not written down anywhere. sort of 'everyone just knows' thing.

if people would only drive with the mentality of 'we are all in this together' rather than 'must win lol' the roads would be alot nicer i reckon
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Postby Emperor » Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:28 am

Fuuu this topic makes me rage... But what makes me rage more is people who use incorrect lanes!

Everyday Isee people using left turning lanes to beat traffic going straight ahead. And they give me a dumb look when I block them in.

My worst road rage incident, left lane had red light because of the pedestrian lights, some guy in a VT commodore uses straight lane then cuts left beating 4-5 cars waiting... So I follow him, pass him and brake check the $&#$% out of him.
Not smartest thing to do, but $&#$% I rage when I see people not using proper lanes :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Postby Adoom » Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:00 am

Giving way to the right seems to defy logic if you are in a long slow moving(30-50 in a 100km zone) queue of traffic and a passing lane comes up. Then some douches decide to jump the queue. They hoon right to the end of the passing lane and try force their way in.
Then two cars try to fit into the same place...
I mean, they are performing a passing manoeuvre with no clear space ahead of any car for them to slot back into.
Does this not break all of the "guidelines" in the road code of how to perform a passing manoeuvre?

Happens every $&#$% day on the way home. :evil:
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Postby B1NZ » Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:02 am

3 things kiwi drivers do not have:


Driving skills

Common courtesy

If all 3 were attained the roads would be a wonderful place to be :-)
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Postby Vertigo » Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:23 am

if one lane which is ending is merging into another lane which is continuing, those in the ending lane must give way. common sense. doesnt matter whether they are slightly in front or behind, they must ensure it is safe to merge.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:29 pm

give way to the right
UNLESS you are in the left and ahead. Even if their front is level with your door you are ahead and they are overtaking. It is up to an over taking vehicle to do so in a safe manner.

I don't know why it's so hard to understand.
"Hmm there's a car merging from the left, if I speed up and tailgate the car in front of me I can get ahead of them!! surely that's a better option than lifting off a little and slotting in behind in a nice following distance!"
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Postby RS13 » Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:35 pm

What I dislike more, is having two straight lanes, and cars backed up several hundred metres in the right hand but nobody in the left hand. This happens almost every morning! People move off so slowly that I often miss up to two green light cycles, so I tend to drive below the speed limit down the left hand lane (comparatively quickly compared to slow people taking off) and then merge into the right hand lane past the intersection.. I'm courteous, I indicate and slow down to move back into the right lane, wave my thanks most of the time, but still occasionally get the finger and people swerving towards me or attempting to cut me off as I pass them on the left.

How about stop being a sheep and make use of the road as intended?
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Postby fevil » Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:40 pm

The first rule of the road is keep left where possible .
Therefore, those on the right should show more courtesy, than those on the left? "Yea Right."
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Postby Mr Revhead » Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:41 pm

There's a couple of intersections up here where all the locals know to use the right hand lane because the retards who designed them made the merging lane after them sooo short its impossible to use. Plus they end ubruptly at car parks.
One lane is about 2 car lengths long after the intersection! If people use both lanes as intended. You end up with a huge snarl as there is just no room.
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Postby Bling » Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:51 pm

You guys have intersections? Two lanes? Must have been a while since I visited Nelson :twisted:
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Postby RS13 » Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:59 pm

I can understand that, but in my case, the passing lane goes on for a good 100m past the intersection, rarely are cars parked closer than 150m. At less than 50km/h there is always plenty of time to merge, courtesy has nothing to do with it, people seem to get into the mindset that its' their road, I'm being cheeky by using an empty lane to pass them and they're going to teach me a lesson. Merging is defined in the road code as,

"The best way to merge is like a zip – where a vehicle from the left lane goes and then a vehicle from the right lane goes, and so on.

As you merge, let one vehicle from the other lane go first, and then go. "

I read that as alternating vehicles are to merge equally, not one from the left then ten from the right, regardless of how backed up the right hand is.

I'm only going on about this, as the original post is a perfect example of how the law fails. The 4WD was clearly behind him and using common sense should have let him past, however if the previous vehicle to leave the merging lane was from the right, then to the letter of the law the 4WD technically should go first. How fast the 4WD came up is irrelevant, he's using his lane to legally pass traffic in the right.
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Postby KinLoud » Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:47 pm

The rule seems to be Merge Like A Moron
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Postby MR2SIK » Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:58 pm

Mr Revhead wrote:There's a couple of intersections up here where all the locals know to use the right hand lane because the retards who designed them made the merging lane after them sooo short its impossible to use. Plus they end ubruptly at car parks.
One lane is about 2 car lengths long after the intersection! If people use both lanes as intended. You end up with a huge snarl as there is just no room.

Always good for a laugh blocking the muppets that try and zip through that left lane in. Usually find a delivery truck or something in the carpark at the end of that lane lol.
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Postby spoonza6 » Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:42 pm

Just remember, as much as you don't want them to hit you. They don't want to hit you either.

In saying that, hold ground if you are in the right and don't mind the legal battle that might ensue

Then again I drive a car I don't care too much about so yeah
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Postby Mr Revhead » Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:41 pm

MR2SIK wrote:
Mr Revhead wrote:There's a couple of intersections up here where all the locals know to use the right hand lane because the retards who designed them made the merging lane after them sooo short its impossible to use. Plus they end ubruptly at car parks.
One lane is about 2 car lengths long after the intersection! If people use both lanes as intended. You end up with a huge snarl as there is just no room.

Always good for a laugh blocking the muppets that try and zip through that left lane in. Usually find a delivery truck or something in the carpark at the end of that lane lol.

Has been a few crashes at the Tahuna ones as tourists obey the road rules and keep in the left lane then suddenly find no themselves with no where to go.
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Postby MAC_HATER » Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:53 pm

im reading through the road code myself at the moment and it mentions the "merge like a zip" situation - and then it says you let in one person in front of you and then you go as the person behind should let you through as their "one" and then they merge in behind you

its clear enough - but $&#$% in falcodores will never ever get it right as they have the whole " I HAS BIG CAR THATS COMMON AS $&#$%! IM ABLOVE THE LAW AND IN A HURRY! ILL JUST BARGE THROUGH LIKE A $&#$%!" thing going on
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Postby DRFTIN » Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:10 pm

i remember my old bus driver from primary school saying the biggest vehicle has right of way, pity that doesnt work either...
i've been driving dad's safari jacked up with big tyres the last week, its a decent size vehicle to pick on but people still seem intent on hitting me

it would be nice if merge like a zip was law and at a certain point it became whoever is in front has right of way, but imagine the carnage
so unfortunately its those who care least about their car/health have right of way. i usually drive a half rust half plastic crx so if i crash into anyone i'm screwed
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