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Postby headshotnz » Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:25 pm

Dell'Orto wrote:You might wanna try get that under control, or it will end up with a BHG :lol: Must be $&#$% quick!

Defiantly, how can I turn the boost down though. Since that's straight from the ECU.

Goes like a cut cat... I remember thinking my soarer was fast, actually I remember thinking my ae101 levin was fast lol.
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Postby Dell'Orto » Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:30 pm

ECU wont be controlling it if its getting that high...might wanna look into a decent boost controller. Or temporarily rangi mod a restrictor in the exhaust to hold it down :lol:
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Postby Al » Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:17 pm

19psi sure is quick in mine with a tank full of av. The speedo just winds around while you are :o 8O "top of 4th already?"
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Postby headshotnz » Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:39 pm

Al wrote:19psi sure is quick in mine with a tank full of av. The speedo just winds around while you are :o 8O "top of 4th already?"

I'm sure it would be like that haha.. havent really played up high yet as i dont trust the shocks that are in it.

Av gas would be a shit load quicker though.. What ecu do you have mate?
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Postby Al » Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:52 pm

Stock ecu, disabled fuel cut :P
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Postby headshotnz » Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:11 am

Al wrote:Stock ecu, disabled fuel cut :P

8O Running av gas? Got a gestimate of how much power your putting down?
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Postby headshotnz » Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:15 am

Im no scientest lol. Just had a quick read, other than the fact its used in aviation, is it some sort of 100 octane gas? If so. is there any modifcations too run on a standered car (Well my blitz ecu :P ) and what does that cost a litre, dear i ask...
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Postby Al » Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:21 am

Its just leaded petrol really. 108 octane. $3 a litre last time I bought some from the Challenge up the road from my place which sells it as 'race gas'.

It will eat your o2 sensor eventually.

Your Blitz ecu will love it though. Lots of timing and boost :P

The best thing about it is the smell once its been burnt. My god its such a sweet sweet smell.
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Postby Al » Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:34 am

Oh you are in Welly, you can get drums of it from Petroleum Logistics.
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Postby headshotnz » Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:38 am

Al wrote:Its just leaded petrol really. 108 octane. $3 a litre last time I bought some from the Challenge up the road from my place which sells it as 'race gas'.

It will eat your o2 sensor eventually.

Your Blitz ecu will love it though. Lots of timing and boost :P

The best thing about it is the smell once its been burnt. My god its such a sweet sweet smell.

Oh yup cheers mate just did some reading :)

From what i understand BP sells aged avgas that cant go in airplanes because the octane has lowered, but is generally a minimum of 98 - 102ish.

There seems too be a couple of places around Wellington that will sell it, although you have to buy it in a petrol can because its "illegal" to pump in a street car.

As the lead is bad for the environment :roll:

Any one know how quickly it actually kills a o2 sensor though? Do you really want to be running a wideband?

Shit yea. the blitz would love it... I could actually correctly set up the timing rather than have it being a retard. lol :)
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Postby headshotnz » Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:41 am

Al wrote:Oh you are in Welly, you can get drums of it from Petroleum Logistics.

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Postby kim0663 » Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:18 am

My bet my money that you WILL be detonating its tits off with a blitz @ ct20b 19psi...

My gen2 ran like that for like 2 years, didn't have an issue tho. Was faster on stock ecu running less timing and less det 8)
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