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BZG|Bling wrote:Could be worth a look, ... e-recorder
Hi Sergei,
Thank you for contacting the Navman Team.
Below are the answers to your query:
Battery life in park mode (I assume it does motion detect recording?).
Maximum of 45 minutes.
Does it calculate speed from g-sensor?
No. It does not have any GPS capability
Does it have GPS expansion capability?
None at the moment. The gadget does not have any GPS capability.
What format it encodes the video (including the container: eg H264/AVI, MP4/MKV, etc.)?
What compression level it is using (ie how many hours can 32GB card contain)?
720p HD video: 16G for 360 mins (6 hrs)
Does it require special software do download video (can it work just in mass-storage mode)?
Yes, for as long as they have the needed codec.
Is g-sensor data in open format (unencrypted/non-obfuscated)?
All the files are unencrypted except for those with recorded events.
If you have any further queries in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us further.
Customer Support
DDI: +61 2 9879 9000
Navman Technology
MAC_HATER wrote:its most certainly a case of you get what you pay for
I bought a nasty cheap Chinese one off trademe: ... =555192109
its ok, and it will do the job if someone $&#$% up and hits me, but its pretty grainy, it does record at 1280x720 but its like those nasty old cameras with the digital zoom, its recording big, but the quality is very very very average
it records the surroundings alright, and you can see traffic lights, and traffic signs come into view as you approach them, but numberplates are only visible when you are directly behind them, when they move off it becomes unreadable
it also doesnt like big SD cards, tried a 32 gig one that they say suits it, but every other time you turn it on it freaks out and wants to format it, but the 8 gig card works fine
will be looking at a much better one soon, maybe stick this one on the bike haha
sergei wrote:The one you have bought is a cheap copy of a good model, best way to spot it the real deal has functional HDMI port and costs about $150-200NZ.
Unfortunately the features of it are a bit lacking:
Cruiser wrote:Unfortunately the features of it are a bit lacking:
If you want a quality unit with HD, GPS etc, you going to want to get one of the blackvue models, MotorEyes has some good deals on at the moment.
$190 off the DR400G-HDII and $100 off the DR380G-HD
MAC_HATER wrote:wow those motoreyes SD cards are insanely over priced, no mention of brand either
have been looking on trademe for something to replace the nasty cheap one and something like this might do the job: ... =557505453
it would be a good price if it can actually record proper 720p and 1080p, not the "fake 720p" my current one does
will keep looking regardless, but it looks like an ok one?
sergei wrote:DR400G-HDII is at $269 USD on ebay with free shipping. 320NZD, even if add GST, $370 NZ.
Until they sell close to this I will refrain from buying...
With the price they asking ($460), it seems that they buy them from ebay and sell them here. When I contacted them all they could offer was $50 off (it was $590) and free upgrade to 32GB card (as if it was best thing in the world). For the price they originally were selling I could have bought two cameras off eBay.
sergei wrote:I want to buy one in NZ, so I can return it if it is crap or broken (which it has high chance of being crap).
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