Hi all,
My Legacy went in today for a wheel alignment today. I have the print out and upon studying it I have a few questions.
I am assuming where it says "Before" it means the original measurements, "Actual" is what it is now and "Specified Range" is the range that the "Actual" figures should sit between?
Also for the front wheels it has a list of things like Camber, Caster etc... one of them is SAI (or SAJ, dodgy dot-matrix printer) what is this? It says the range is 13"35' - 15"05' but one wheel is 15"20' and the other 15"29'. Is this going to matter?
Also does anyone know if a '95 Legacy SW has rear toe adjustment? The right rear wheel is within range, but the left rear shows that it was 2.2mm and now 2.3mm (the range is -1.5mm to 1.5mm).