Calling 20v 4age owners with G4 ecus... ISC questions

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Calling 20v 4age owners with G4 ecus... ISC questions

Postby Stu- » Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:16 pm

Does anyone on here run a blacktop 20v 4age on a G4 ecu?

Got a couple of these thru lately and wouldn't mind picking someone's brain over trying to solve a slightly erratic idle. Both are stock blacktop intake adapters with the stock idle speed solinoid.

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Re: Calling 20v 4age owners with G4 ecus... ISC questions

Postby 1I1 » Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:09 pm

Whats it doing?

Mine would be sweet sometimes then other times the idle would drop to about 500rpm when coming off the throttle and slowly creep up to 900rpm.
To make it even better, when road tuning with Lith it would always behave itself lol.

Ended up disabling that vacuum diaphragm on mine by taking out the grub screw. And let the ISCV/ECU control the idle
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Re: Calling 20v 4age owners with G4 ecus... ISC questions

Postby Stu- » Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:04 am

The idle control slowly raises the idle for some reason (target is 950rpm) to around 1200 them drops it suddenly and sometimes stalls. Im sure I havent got the settings quite right somehow. Would you mind letting me know what your settings are to see if there is something obviously different? What frequency are you using for the solinoid?
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Re: Calling 20v 4age owners with G4 ecus... ISC questions

Postby 1I1 » Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:47 am

That I couldn't say sorry Stu, I left that sort of thing to the guys who knew what they were doing :lol:

If they don't pop up on here, PM Lith and whynot - they might recall what they were.
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Re: Calling 20v 4age owners with G4 ecus... ISC questions

Postby Stu- » Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:13 pm

Ok will do. Even if you could send me the pcl file. Not interested in the tune so you can blank that if you want as it wont be applicable. Will PM Lith. Cheers
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Re: Calling 20v 4age owners with G4 ecus... ISC questions

Postby whynot » Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:20 pm

You need to set up the open loop idle control and get it stable before turning on the closed loop. I set the open loop duty cycle to have a running temp idle of 950-1000 rpm then when it's sorted I turn on the closed loop and use that to bring it down to the desired idle. That way it behaves more like the factory ecu in terms of the idle. I am wondering if you have the base map fuel wrong in the idle load area as that can cause hunting idle. Also check what the over run fuel cut is set to. Otherwise pm me and I can send through a copy of the g4 tune which may help.
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