by KinLoud » Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:18 pm
Thanks Mark
Got an exhaust from a blacktop Carib at Zebra in Manukau
It's a bit of a PITA because when they took the CAT out they just welded a pipe between the flanges so it was a 30 minute hacksaw job.
Gonna see if I can bolt it up if I cut the remaining pipe off flush
Or if I'll need to I'll get local exhaust shop to weld a flange on
$50 from Zebra (like pick a part) in. Manukau
I used to think that the orange and green tictacs gave you special powers. The orange ones would make you stronger and the green ones would make you faster. So i used to eat some green ones and run around my lounge as fast as i could, then eat the orange ones and try to pick up the sofa. I wish it were true!