A made a small video as scientific testing is not so easy...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZNlBJi ... e=youtu.beEngine was fully warmed up and idling around 950 rpm. Even at idle they flick
a bit of oil out the filler so I wasn't keen to be revving it up !! You can see that
the filler cap bobbles around when sitting loose... that is normal as far as my
experience goes. The ping pong ball, being lighter, bobbles around a bit more
vigorously, but does not hit roof.
When you put your hand over the filler you can feel the air pulsating until the
palm of your hand is about 300 mm from the filler opening. After that there is
just a tiny breeze feeling. Same with the cam cover breather that I tested last,
except that the pulsation can no longer felt when your hand is 150 mm away.
The pulsation is very evident, as you can hear when I hold the ball down with
my finger
And it is possible to mistake the pulsating air for a strong constant
flow. But it is not. Those are pressure waves riding on a very small actual
airflow. If the airflow was really high the breather hose would blasting my hand
much further away than 150 mm.
While it is true that blowby will pulsate as each cylinder fires in turn, I think
that it is very possible that air being pumped around in the crankcase by the
movement of the pistons is the major contributor. Sure, as two pistons move
up the other two move down, but the energy required to get the air to "jump"
from cylinder to cylinder will also cause a pressure fluctuation throughout the
whole of the engines internal volume.
I've never seen any real explanation for the pulsation, so that is my homegrown
theory. If anyone has a better one... post it up
Cheers... jondee86
PS: All the rags and blocks of wood were to catch the oil and make a wind break
to stop the breeze from the fan blowing the ping pong ball away !!