Hey guys, so I got a greddy RS type BOV (its a copy) to chuck on the caldina just to see what it did. (Ive heard a few peeps have issues with aftermarket BOV, so didnt want to fork out for a 'proper' one till i know its gonna work).
Anyhoo, when installing it i noticed that the stock BOV was set up differently to how i have seen most installs on BOV of this type:
Usually the pressure side is connected to the underside of the piston valve, and the pressure pushes open the valve against the spring pressure (vacuum assisted). This seems to be how most are set up?
The stock one has it the other way around, with the pressure side keeping the valve closed and the vacuum sucks open the valve. So i installed mine this way to see what it did.
Seems to work fine? no surge and opens nice same as the stock unit. I hear people have trouble setting them up when installed the traditional way due to boost leaks from light spring pressure? Seems like boost leak wouldnt be an issue with it this way around?
Its slightly open at idle (presuming cos of the vac in the lines) and air is coming OUT of the partially open valve. When throttle is depressed it sucks for a brief second before closing solid. (having thoughts of putting a small filter on the outlet to stop crud gettin in there on the brief vacuum before it shuts).
Should I turn it around or will it be ok like this?