Really if you are wondering about the exchange rate and saving a few dollars at a time like this you are a bit more than callous. I will leave it at that.
Anyway at times of risk, the NZ dollar will almost always go down against the yen.
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GX61 Mark II wrote:Really if you are wondering about the exchange rate and saving a few dollars at a time like this you are a bit more than callous.
GX61 Mark II wrote:Anyway at times of risk, the NZ dollar will almost always go down against the yen.
TRD Man wrote:GX61 Mark II wrote:Really if you are wondering about the exchange rate and saving a few dollars at a time like this you are a bit more than callous.
This is rubbish. Despite whatever feelings we may have for the Japanese in the wake of this tragedy, most people and particularly young Kiwi car 'enthusiasts' operate on limited budgets and it's entirely reasonable that they might take any opportunity to maximise the value of their spend.
And it is particularly inappropriate given that a low exchange rate doesn't disadvantage anybody at all. In fact it may permit the buying of more gear and thereby benefitting the supplier.
GX61 Mark II wrote:Nah. Doesn't matter how you try to spin it, this is still selfish and insensitive (as I said, Callous or worse) this is a disaster that is still ongoing - we are not even into the wake of it as you are suggesting.
It is likely 10s of thousands of people have lost their lives and it could end up that 100s of thousands (or more) could be irradiated or affected by the developing nuclear disaster... but please, won't somebody think about the affect on the poor cash strapped kiwi car enthusiast!
If it had worked out to be cheaper (which it won't) then so be it, perhaps a donation to one of the relief funds for the disaster. I think it is entirely inappropriate to be worrying about a few dollars in comparison to the gravity of the situation ongoing in Japan.
GX61 Mark II wrote:Nah. Doesn't matter how you try to spin it, this is still selfish and insensitive (as I said, Callous or worse) this is a disaster that is still ongoing - we are not even into the wake of it as you are suggesting.
It is likely 10s of thousands of people have lost their lives and it could end up that 100s of thousands (or more) could be irradiated or affected by the developing nuclear disaster... but please, won't somebody think about the affect on the poor cash strapped kiwi car enthusiast!
If it had worked out to be cheaper (which it won't) then so be it, perhaps a donation to one of the relief funds for the disaster. I think it is entirely inappropriate to be worrying about a few dollars in comparison to the gravity of the situation ongoing in Japan.
TRD Man wrote:GX61 Mark II wrote:Nah. Doesn't matter how you try to spin it, this is still selfish and insensitive (as I said, Callous or worse) this is a disaster that is still ongoing - we are not even into the wake of it as you are suggesting.
It is likely 10s of thousands of people have lost their lives and it could end up that 100s of thousands (or more) could be irradiated or affected by the developing nuclear disaster... but please, won't somebody think about the affect on the poor cash strapped kiwi car enthusiast!
If it had worked out to be cheaper (which it won't) then so be it, perhaps a donation to one of the relief funds for the disaster. I think it is entirely inappropriate to be worrying about a few dollars in comparison to the gravity of the situation ongoing in Japan.
Sorry, moralist bullshit. The only person applying any 'spin' is yourself.
What ever our thoughts on the tragic events in Japan, the rest of us need to carry on with our lives ... including our recreational pursuits.
TRD Man wrote:GX61 Mark II wrote:Nah. Doesn't matter how you try to spin it, this is still selfish and insensitive (as I said, Callous or worse) this is a disaster that is still ongoing - we are not even into the wake of it as you are suggesting.
It is likely 10s of thousands of people have lost their lives and it could end up that 100s of thousands (or more) could be irradiated or affected by the developing nuclear disaster... but please, won't somebody think about the affect on the poor cash strapped kiwi car enthusiast!
If it had worked out to be cheaper (which it won't) then so be it, perhaps a donation to one of the relief funds for the disaster. I think it is entirely inappropriate to be worrying about a few dollars in comparison to the gravity of the situation ongoing in Japan.
Sorry, moralist bullshit. The only person applying any 'spin' is yourself.
What ever our thoughts on the tragic events in Japan, the rest of us need to carry on with our lives ... including our recreational pursuits.
Nobody suggested that the world stop to consider the "poor cash strapped Kiwi car enthusiast" at all, rather that the events in Japan haven't altered the fact that he, or she, will be working within a budget and that it is entirely reasonable for them to stretch that budget as far as possible.
If, in doing so, they were disadvantaging the Japanese supplier, i.e. kicking them when they're down, there might be some credence to your argument.
However all that dub asked was if there is benefit to him in buying immediately - on two fronts (1) cost due to movement in exchange rate & (2) likely impact on supply.
Two very reasonable questions.
One thing that some people may not realise is that whether the exchange rate is high or low there's no reflective impact at the other end. The supplier pockets the same money at the end of the day so it's not as if by posing the question he's looking to take advantage of the situation at their expense.
What they need right now, as does Christchurch, is the rest of the world to continue trading with them.
Zitchu wrote:Im with the above 2 on this. As bad as everything is, its still for the most part a localised event, and has no effect on the rest of us whatsoever.
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