How do you install the following guages ae101 4agze

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How do you install the following guages ae101 4agze

Postby Charged1 » Sun Jan 16, 2005 3:58 pm

oil press
water temp
Are there any posts already about as I cant seen to find then with detailed info .
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Postby Silent Knight » Sun Jan 16, 2005 5:18 pm

Buy the guage and then read the instructions..... :twisted: :twisted:
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Postby aesc » Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:31 pm

Tacho - take out your gauge cluster and get one of those fork connectors and connect it under the screw with the letter 'P' next to it (this is on the back of the cluster itself), this is the tacho feed

Boost - Get a T piece and tap into the vacuum line between the intake manifold and the ABV. Hopefully you should know the line linking these! If not, search for 'ABV mod. Pretty sure someone on here a wee while back posted how to do this on an ae101 GTZ.

Dont ask me about oil pressure/water temp. Im sure the instructions of the gauges should give you some idea. Oil pressure you may need an adaptor that fits onto the oil filter union and water temp you'll probably need a brass tee junction. Depends if they are electrical or mechanical too
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Postby Bazda » Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:42 pm

for the tacho i'm pretty sure you will need a tacho interface off a vr4.

for the water you can buy adaptors from trademe to go into the radiator hose and hook it all up to the gauge.
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Postby Charged1 » Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:17 pm

Thanks guys will give it a whirl
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Postby Ebola_One » Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:41 am

I've heard that you'll need to get an oil feed made up for a oil pressure/temp gauge as there's not enough clearance on the block for a splitter to feed OEM sensor + extra's.

If you have a pressure gauge, you'd probably do well to remote mount the sensor anyway, it'll probably be very big. (Mine was with the el-cheapo Autogauge gauge I got)
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Postby Bazda » Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:31 pm

the oil gauge in the car is electronic....
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Postby Ebola_One » Thu Jan 20, 2005 8:17 am

Bazda wrote:the oil gauge in the car is electronic....

Yeah, so there'll be a dirty great electronic sender (if it's pressure) or (this is one methid I've hear of) you can tap a new hole into the sump for a tempetature probe (if it's a temp gauge)
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Postby Bazda » Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:15 pm

Ebola_One wrote:
Bazda wrote:the oil gauge in the car is electronic....

Yeah, so there'll be a dirty great electronic sender (if it's pressure) or (this is one methid I've hear of) you can tap a new hole into the sump for a tempetature probe (if it's a temp gauge)

then u will have to take the sump off.

easier to go buy an adapter for your oil filter and both oil temp and pressure can screw into it.
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Postby Ebola_One » Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:46 am

Bazda wrote:then u will have to take the sump off.

easier to go buy an adapter for your oil filter and both oil temp and pressure can screw into it.

Yep totally! I remember seeing them on tardme a few weeks ago too.
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