ok, so im boostn

down the road, go 2 shift 2 4th from 3rd at 5k rpm, wtf! it wont go in. back out and in but not working. stop. wont go in2 any gears! arghhh

so i have 2 start in gear and drive home

and get hme. neways. thought it clutch cylinder thingy thing so bleed clutch thing and start er up in neutral. hmmm still wont go in gear, move it around abit. oh sweet! it goes in and outa all gears but needs 2 b pushed abit harder then it gets in nice and all sweet. so mayb hydraulics of some sort, but i drove round streets b4 all gud with the psssssssshhhhhhhhh

could it b less serious than clutch, if it even is clutch. doesnt jump outa gears or slip. stil same pedal pressure etc.