KwS wrote:fark, 60 is pretty damn thick...
If you look at the specs the 10W60 is not that thick. Once it gets into 120+'C range it should be just right (while other oil becomes too thin). But I agree, it is too thick for A to B style of driving. On the track on other hand it is very good.
All this data is from castrol site:
- Code: Select all
SAE Rating KV@40'C KV@100'C
25W-50 207 21
10W-60 174 23.5
15W-40 112 14.8
10W-40 98.8 14.5
5W-40 88 14.44
0W-40 77.5 13.1
KV is basically viscosity.
looking at the table 0w40 looks very good for normal driving, and this is the one I would suggest using (if $$$ allows).