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Postby Pelo » Sat Jan 15, 2005 6:58 pm

Anyone know what sort of price I would be looking at to purchase (not install) new CV joints for an AE82 with a 4A motor?

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Postby Pelo » Sat Jan 15, 2005 8:31 pm

I just took the car in question for a test drive cvs could be worse, what are the specs on a 4A-KELU though??? WTF is a K head? Could I swap my G head directly on it hehehe?
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Postby Al » Sat Jan 15, 2005 10:04 pm

A K head :?

The only A series with a similar code is the 4A - ELU
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Postby RS13 » Sat Jan 15, 2005 11:33 pm

Hmm.. if its an 84-86 AE82 1.6GL sedan, it'll have the 4A-C/4A-L, depending on the exact model. 1600cc SOHC carb, non-crossflow = crap.

CV's from a mechanic would cost just as much as a 4AGE conversion almost.. but if you just need to get it going, go find a wrecker and get a whole halfshaft with CV's, I normally pay around $100 - $120 for these kinda parts.

A 'K' head is a different series of engine entirely.. no, you can't put a K-series head on your 4A block, if you want cheap gains, go extractors, decent filter, and a mild cam grind, maybe shave a bit off your 4A head, to bump up the compression, who knows.. you'll still only have maybe 75hp.. :wink:

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Postby Caveman » Sun Jan 16, 2005 11:15 pm

You can find garages that are having specials. Mum got one CV replaced from a garage for $120. We were going to replace it our selves but the hassel and price ended up we were saving very little. This was on a similar car, 92 Corrola 5afe.

After the mechanic told us the axle had firmly made itself at home inside the hub and took an extra hour labour to remove 8O :? He tried to charge us but we kept him to the original deal.
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Postby Pelo » Mon Jan 17, 2005 10:19 am

True ok. I bought the rolla it's better than my corona which isn't saying much as it failed its WOF. Engine is a 4A-ELU, not sure where I saw the K! 1600 non-crossflow injected sohc 8-valve woohoo...
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Postby YeMs » Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:15 pm

hrmm... i got a set of CV's for a p11 primera the other day, for $60 each, trade price.. retail was like $125 or sumthin. so find a mechanic friend who can get trade prices on parts and get him to buy them far cheaper that way.. oh and after market.. genuine u mite aswell go sell your ass on the street for a week to pay for the parts alone.. then the labour.. well u could trade your ass haha.
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