anthonym wrote:fivebob wrote:Ooops seems I've taken another tangent
May as well add another. Have you by chance got a Gen III head lurking around that I could measure up, of course it needs to be turbo coz everyone knows the NA heads are different
Sadly no. I sold my spare gen 3 turbo head a few weeks ago following a premonition involving decrees from the allmighty and plunging s/h values. Unfortuately the poor fellow who I sold it to is now in line for a good ol fashioned smiting for daring to suggest his car goes better after the swap.
Sacrelige I say, going over to the dark side and reaping the benefits of devil worship
What's the world coming to when people don't even believe the conclusive proof placed before them on the altar of
Next thing you know people with near standard Gen III's will be
dynoing 320HP on that inferior CT20B, whilst the pure and chosen ones will have to put up with
only 227HP from a much modified Gen II, built by the almighty himself, and running the wonderous CT27. Dark days are ahead for the world I tell you, The End Is Nigh...
Of course I do have a most excellent example of the superior gen 2 head, that you're welcome to measure. It's for sale if you want it; given the above decree I might consider a swap for your orchard
Such a bargin, but how could I be so cruel as to deprive you of such a religious relic, surely you must want to keep it as a family heirloom... Must resist...must...resist...must... oh hang on I think I got one of those anyway, now where did I put the pile of extremely useful 3S-GTE stuff... No, not the pile of not so useful 3S-GTE stuff... No, not there the pile of useless 3S-GTE bits... No, only a CT26 there....where could it be???? Ah I know it's in the chain locker on my boat, I'll have to rush down to the chandlers tomorrow and buy a new anchor to replace it, then I can truly experience raw horsepower as the almighty intended it
I also have a ported gen 3 NA head but since this is only good for a measly 450hp I doubt you'd be interested, and as you note, it's not the same as the turbo head
I'm afraid I shall have to decline as it hasn't had hands laid upon it by the one true porter of the order of 3S-GTEs
On a more serious note, what differences, apart from the smaller injector bosses (if it has those), does the Gen III NA have. I assume the porting would be the same, or is it?