curiousty sparked from the other Poll thats open, do you want toyspeed to be more than just a forum, do you want to meet up for fun as well as make connections with people that can physically help you do mods etc?
I know i wouldnt be where i am with my gt4 if not for the help and support of people i met and befreinded in the earlyer years of Toyspeeds been a cluib.
Mroizos fun engine transplant from the chaser, would that have happend if he never met everyone else.
My Starlet & gt4s mentalness, i doubt that would have gotten more than just a cam belt replacment if not for the prodding from Vvega to do it.
All the above wouldnt be a reality if i never met those people and im sure if you think hard about it you can think of simlar egs.