Rob wrote:Holdens rock.
Fords are ghey, although I will agree that they've finally put a decent engine (ABOUT BLOODY TIME LOSERS) Bathurst was getting boring from having no competition.
Funny the holdens run a ford rear suspension setup, hmm whats that a ford front suspension setup to, wait what was that did i hear someone say ford nine inch diff, yes i did i believe. Ooo wait is holden now copying fords head on the exhaust side - gee whiz wonder why that might be?? Engine management/gearbox and brakes are all so far removed from what you can get on actuall street cars that it's not really relevant!
Last year holden was only winning cos they had better drivers and the fords were ballasted up as well!
If you watch the local v8 touring cars you get a better idea of what the cars are actually like when they come into the country! - Funnily ford is cleaning up here too!
As you can probably tell i'm a big ford fan so my vote went there!