MegaMeet 2004 Plans Poll On Where

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Mega Meet Location???

North Island ( Parmy North area )
South Island ( chch i belive )
Total votes : 31

MegaMeet 2004 Plans Poll On Where

Postby Adydas » Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:36 pm

Seems Toyspeed has a problem.. Where to hold Mega Meet
There seems to be 2 groups of ppl trying to set up mega meet..

One is Chch One is palmy North, as a Spot..

So we need to have a vote seems its YOU!! That will be attenting..

NORTH or SOUTH island..

I dont know what chch has to offer but one of the 2 ppl planning
north island have contacts with Race Track ( manfeild i belive )
And a go karting place, Also a paddock ( familys ) for a Grass Khana I belive..

I dont want to start a fight.. but as one of the ppl intrested to organise this as a north isnlander..
i need to know who wants it.. no point organiseing it if everyone wants to go to chch..

i personally dont belive based that i think a HUGE % of attendings of MM will be from Auckland welly hammy etc etc
Would all want to go Over on ferry ( or plane over.. kinda counting out cruises etc )..

Let Us know!!
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Postby UTERUS » Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:41 pm

N0rth island is where its at!!!
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Re: MegaMeet 2004 Plans Poll On Where

Postby Pies » Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:41 pm

me being me, i cant afford to go to the south. so im voting north.
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Postby La-biarch » Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:41 pm

could have sworn we all decided mega meet this year would be in the south island.. would be cool.. and whoever is planning it has a brilliant piece of land to work with.. as the chch toyspeeders came up last year to wellington I think it's only fair we head down there.. but that's just my 2c worth

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Postby PumpN » Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:42 pm

i would definitely attend a parmy north event, as opposed to thinking about going down south

i might even help organise it ..... might even
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Postby B1NZ » Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:44 pm

I vote South, They came to the north last year so its only fair!!
Maybe next year we could do Aucks?? And maybe combine it with a TS/NZhonda drag day or something??
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Postby mtrntr » Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:50 pm

this is going to be a problem everyyear - and i think perhaps north and south island meets should be held.
Last year only one car (and a rental) from the south island came to welly from the south - and that is in the new zealand city closest to the south isalnd.
the fact is that if the only megameet for the year is in the south island very few nroth islanders will turn up.
there are 290+ toyspeed members in auckland according to the site, and only 70+ in christchurch.
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Postby Adydas » Tue Mar 02, 2004 6:08 pm

MY 2 personal Ideas.. What do u think?


2 seperate Meeets seperate dates just like
the nats.. u go to your areas.. and IF u want to go to both.. DO so..? Simple

OR have a even balance for all for all mega meets

do the maths on all costs. travel accomadation etc..
and devide by EVERYONE..

so EVERYONE pays one set fee lets say 60 bucks to Go to MM where ever its held..
and then each person pays there own xtras on top ie drink.. go karting etc etc..

So whats the idea guys.. just to id throw out there..

let me know.. im intrested
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Postby Adydas » Tue Mar 02, 2004 6:16 pm

Seems Toyspeed has a problem.. Where to hold Mega Meet
There seems to be 2 groups of ppl trying to set up mega meet..
One is Chch One is palmy North, as a Spot..
So we need to have a vote seems its YOU!! That will be attenting..
NORTH or SOUTH island..
I dont know what chch has to offer but one of the 2 ppl planning
north island have contacts with Race Track ( manfeild i belive )
And a go karting place, Also a paddock ( familys ) for a Grass Khana I belive..
I dont want to start a fight.. but as one of the ppl intrested to organise this as a north isnlander..
i need to know who wants it.. no point organiseing it if everyone wants to go to chch..
i personally dont belive based that i think a HUGE % of attendings of MM will be from Auckland welly hammy etc etc
Would all want to go Over on ferry ( or plane over.. kinda counting out cruises etc )..
Let Us know!!
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Postby BULLET » Tue Mar 02, 2004 6:34 pm

id love to have in south island but my money doesnt grow on trees so yeah if its in palmy it would be good.
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Postby Adydas » Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:09 pm

I would JUST like to point out be for anyone says

" your just been stink.. Save up.. or dont go.. "

That im just thinkin about EVERYONES well been.. in allhonesty.. with my job etc.. we could hold MM in Bluff.. i could still go as my company is nice enuf to give me a car with credit card for fuel..

im trying to help EVERYONE afford it.. to come.. and have a great time.. Thats all..

Id rather pay 10 bucks more.. and meet 5 New ppl.. and have a great time with big numbers..
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Postby Silent Knight » Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:14 pm

I'm all for the South Island. Some of them came up last year for MM so i reckon we should go down there. If this is sorted out in the next few weeks I reckon it will give people enough time to save up a bit of $$$ to attend and make their plans according. And if people carpool on the way down south then it will make it allot cheaper to get over on the ferry. If you did it that way say 4 people per car and devide the cost of the ferry and petrol between 4 it wouldn't work out too bad and we'd all get a chance to see sum of the south :D :D :D :D

My 2c worth.
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Postby BULLET » Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:16 pm

im keen
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Postby Adydas » Tue Mar 02, 2004 8:16 pm

Thats a great idea


what if ppl WANT to all take There car.. For the drive.. and cruises etc? been a car club id kinda epcect that
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Postby Silent Knight » Tue Mar 02, 2004 10:45 pm

well then they can all do that it just depends on if people want to take their cars or not. That's why i reckon the location should be decided like B4 the end of March and put up so that people can start saving up and making plans for it. I reckon 4 or 5 months will be enough to save up the $$$ to pay for the ferry and petrol and and all da rest.
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Postby zEpHyRiNe » Tue Mar 02, 2004 11:57 pm

I actually had an idea on this one.
Have a NI meet, and a SI meet.
Have the usual activities, but organise some similar/identical activities, and have a lil competition between the islands to see which island is teh winnar! Everyone loves a bit of friendly competition, and we can finally settle the argument about which island is the better one :)
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Postby Adydas » Wed Mar 03, 2004 12:34 am

I rekon so i said..

work like the 4 n rota nats..

2 islands.. 2 diff datse Faily spaced apart.. so ppl can Go to Both if they wish to.. if not.. u get to go to one.. everyones happy

And to be honest.. Based on voteing.. I Think.. it mite be best idea.. north and south Island MM and perhaps If it sticks every 3rd year.. have a Mega Mega Meet.. where both join..

But i think voteing is showing.. some simlar support for two seperate events..

whats everyone else think?
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Postby Silent Knight » Wed Mar 03, 2004 1:25 am

yea i reckon that could work as well. but where is both going to fit into two public holidays. There has to be at least 6 months between them and isn't already a bit late to start organizing two separate ones?

I don't really know much about the new zealand public holidays so i cud be wrong about this. How bout make it 1 MM this year and then we know that we shud get all our shit sussed out for next year so that the two events can be organized with a good amount space inbetween them so that people can save up to go to both if they are keen on it.

I still reckon CHCH would be a really kool idea but it would hve to be for at least 4 days otherwise not much sense in paying all that money to get there and you are only there 3 days and not seeing much of what there is to be seen in the south.
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Postby 89fxgt » Wed Mar 03, 2004 10:33 am

lol im in chch so ofcourse im gona say here. i have close friends that own canterbury car club, so i might be able to sort sumthin out with ruapuna raceway.
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Postby PumpN » Wed Mar 03, 2004 11:01 am

89fxgt wrote: i have close friends that own canterbury car club, so i might be able to sort sumthin out with ruapuna raceway.

that would be damn sweet
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