by TRDmod » Wed Apr 14, 2004 4:58 pm
well thats not true, what a crock
think bout it
if they made all pistons and parts iwth titanium or some sort of hard core metal, it would cost heaps and heaps
i mean, lets say, they used tungsten carbine, the hardest metal known to man and can withstand heat and pressure and wear to the extreme, how much would a coronnal be......1 mil?
yeah that right, theres no point cos corolas dont need something like dat, they do not make cars that break down purposely, they make bad cars like holdens and american cars that break down cos of poor quality but not cos of purposely making them like dat
rotarys need rebuilding cos its a high rev high stress engine, and most pplt hat buy it wrack it up...thats why
your conspiracy theory is abit far fetched, they sell parts cos of wear and tear, though i would love every car to come standard with forgies....its not jsut cost effective....
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