4agze thermostat standard position?

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4agze thermostat standard position?

Postby ~SlideWays~ » Tue May 04, 2004 4:24 pm

Is the thermostat in a gtz fitted in the top hose, bottom hose or somewhere else?

I need to know because the thermostat was mounted in the bottom hose with the engine in rwd format. I have had temperature problems (too cold) I replaced the thermostat but it hasn't fixed it.

So im wondering whether to mount it in the top hose.
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Postby EVLGTZ » Tue May 04, 2004 4:32 pm

i know on the fwd its at the top of the bottom hose, not too sure on a rwd. is your car not heating up to tempreture?
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Postby JRS » Tue May 04, 2004 9:07 pm

all 4agze from the factory r fitted transversely so they should all be fairly similar. there's only one place u can put the thermostat, in the thermostat housing. i'm not sure what u mean by "in the top hose" etc.
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Postby bridgeport » Tue May 04, 2004 11:07 pm

he means where should the housing be top or bottom hose

Postby EVLGTZ » Tue May 04, 2004 11:34 pm

yeah id assume thats what he wants to know. thermostat housing is at the top of the lower hose from the radiator
Ex 4AGTE AE101 Levin - 13.3@173km/hr
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Postby ~SlideWays~ » Wed May 05, 2004 12:23 am

ok I should have put more info in my post...

The engine is in my ae86 (not standard :roll: :wink: ) and was put in by a workshop, at first it over heated because it had the standard single core radiator. It now has a bigger radiator and gets too cold when going 100kph. The obvious thing would be that the thermostat was stuck open.

This is when I found that the thermostat is mounted in the bottom radiator hose with two back to back housing covers, (which i thought was strange because most enigines would have it just b4 the top hose (hottest place)) the mechanic had drilled two small holes in the thermostat so it would work backwards.(?)

Note: I assume he put the thermostat in a "custom" housing, further down the hose, is because you wouldn't be able to use the standard thermostat position?.....

So this is the strange part, I would have thought if having it in the bottom hose was a problem (because water is cold), meaning it shouldn't open, causing over heating.... but it does the opposite.

What it all boils :lol: down to is that i need to find out why it isnt controling the temperature even after i put a new thermostat in!?

*wonders if anybody understood that*
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Postby bridgeport » Wed May 05, 2004 3:48 am

hes drilled holes in the thermostat wtf the thermostat housing isnt like a normal one i dont think, if its the same as a 4age one its a remote housing ie its not cast into the head it just bolts to the gearbox

try a thermostat with a higher boiling point ( i think u can)
mix and match until you get it running at a good temprature
make sure u havent got a blowen headgaskit

wouldnt a good mechanic road test the car and see that it was running hot with the standard radiator ? not let the customer find this out

Postby ~SlideWays~ » Wed May 05, 2004 2:01 pm

bridgeport wrote:try a thermostat with a higher boiling point

wouldnt a good mechanic road test the car and see that it was running hot with the standard radiator ? not let the customer find this out

Holes in the thermostat: apparently thats all a "high performance" one is anyway.

I have changed it for one 7 degrees hotter and it didnt make a difference.

And dont get me started on what the mechanic should have done :evil: :evil:
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Postby bridgeport » Wed May 05, 2004 3:01 pm

bummer dude mabey the radiator is an overkill ??
try another radiator in there i recon it would be the best bet

lmfao @ high performance thermostat a car running colder that normal operating tempratures is inefficent

Postby matt dunn » Wed May 05, 2004 10:51 pm

~SlideWays~ wrote:ok I should have put more info in my post...

the thermostat is mounted in the bottom radiator hose with two back to back housing covers,

Maybe the housings are holding the thermostat in, but are they sealing around it and preventing water from flowing past it instead of through it.
Or is it mechanically pushing it open when you bolt them together.

I cant imagine a thermostat fitting between two rear housings?
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Postby bridgeport » Wed May 05, 2004 10:54 pm

i dont think he means 2 rear housings hes just describing the housing design ie sandwich design back 2 back

Postby matt dunn » Wed May 05, 2004 11:13 pm

bridgeport wrote:i dont think he means 2 rear housings hes just describing the housing design ie sandwich design back 2 back

Stranger things have happened.
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Postby ~SlideWays~ » Thu May 06, 2004 12:32 am

Another thing I need to think about is whether it is the right way around... at the moment its got the spring end facing the radiator.

I will take the housing off when I get a chance (c**t of a job), too see if its holding the thermostat in properly, but im pretty sure it is.
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