Idle/Timing problem

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Idle/Timing problem

Postby Lloyd » Mon May 17, 2004 4:23 pm

Hey people, I got a small issue with my AE92 4AGZE. Went to check the timing and decided that I couldn't tell a damn thing.

There are 2 marks on the crank pulley and a little bit sticking out as a place the read it from. I'm guessing one mark is TDC and the other is 10°? Base timing should be 10°BTDC from what I remember reading. Other thing is how to change base timing. Is it simply changing the crank angle sensors position? Stupid lack of distributor :evil:

Other problem, the Levin idles at about 1200rpm whem its warm. Also, when its idling there is a sucking noise at the intake. When I jump TE1 and T1 (or whichever of those it is) the sucking noise stops and idle drops to about 700rpm where it should be. When idling normally and I unplug the big white plug on the back of the throttle body the sucking noise stops and revs drop to about 100rpm. This would be the ISC plug? The idle screw bit is wound right down too. Any ideas how to get the idle right?

Cheers for any help
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Re: Idle/Timing problem

Postby matt dunn » Tue May 18, 2004 12:34 am

HRT wrote:Hey people, I got a small issue with my AE92 4AGZE. Went to check the timing and decided that I couldn't tell a damn thing.

There are 2 marks on the crank pulley and a little bit sticking out as a place the read it from. I'm guessing one mark is TDC and the other is 10°? Base timing should be 10°BTDC from what I remember reading. Other thing is how to change base timing. Is it simply changing the crank angle sensors position? Stupid lack of distributor :evil:

Other problem, the Levin idles at about 1200rpm whem its warm. Also, when its idling there is a sucking noise at the intake. When I jump TE1 and T1 (or whichever of those it is) the sucking noise stops and idle drops to about 700rpm where it should be. When idling normally and I unplug the big white plug on the back of the throttle body the sucking noise stops and revs drop to about 100rpm. This would be the ISC plug? The idle screw bit is wound right down too. Any ideas how to get the idle right?

Cheers for any help

I would say that your TPS is out by that.

TPS needs to bet set correctly to set timing.
Then bridge t and e1 and then ajust timing by turnind crank angle sensor.
matt dunn
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Postby Lloyd » Tue May 18, 2004 12:43 am

Any idea what sort of reading I should be getting at throttle closed? I'm guessing its just going to be 0 ohms or some specified value across some pins on the TPS plug?
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