MarkCL wrote:Cheap shot, and unecessary. At no point have I belittled you.
Cheap shot, maybe. Unnecessary I'm not so sure, you seem to have missed where I stated earlier
So now before I start this, I want all who wish to debate (not argue) the merits, or otherwise, of the various systems, to do what I did when evaluating the systems. That is compare all the features, download all the software and manuals, and try to set up the systems for a 3S-GTE from scratch. After doing this you will be in a position to discuss the merits of each system, not just repeat in parrot fashion all the spurious arguments you have seen elsewhere on the internet.
To my mind you weren't prepared to pay the full price of admission to this debate, i.e. downloading the software & manuals, doing a proper evaluation of the products and engaging in rational debate about the subject, hence you were commenting from "the cheap seats". If I am mistaken then I apologise, if not then how about contributing to the debate in a sensible manner.
I've had my GT-Four now for four years, had it running 360 horsepower on stock internals and met a lot of professional tuners. Not one of them has been quite so arrogant as you in their opinions though when it came down to engine management. I just thought people would be a little more open minded is all, my mistake. I'll get me coat...
Care to reveal the mods that made you 360HP, if that HP at the wheels then it's certainly a respectable figure from a ST205.
Arrogant, maybe it appears that way, perhaps though it could just be I get sick and tired of people saying that Brand X is as good as if not better than a Motec for less cost, which simply is not true as you will see. BTW the cost difference in the base price of the 3 systems I compared is around $100 in Australia not much more to pay for those extra features is it now?
As to whether I am open minded or not, perhaps that is best answered by the fact that since I purchased and installed the Motec for my MR2, I have also purchased a Power FC for another of my MR2's, Kalmaker software for my Holden and even dare I admit it, recommended to a good friend that they buy an EManage or Link (not for a 3S-GTE) because that was what their budget allowed.
So for the record I will state now that I consider that almost any aftermarket ECU is better than stock, it's just that some are better than others.
Don't go leaving this thread because I've offended you by my brash, boorish manner, stick around, but please try to stay on topic and contribute constructively to the debate, not just snipe with comments that add nothing.
Might I be so bold as to suggest that you'd get far more respect from me if you pointed out why the features of the Motec that I am expounding are not required for a high HP reliable 3S-GTE.