by blitza » Wed Jun 09, 2004 10:15 pm
test the pinion, put the starter in the vise, solidly, grab some jumper leads and a battery, and a chunk of timber, fence battons are perfect, but a coupple if feet of 4x2 will do. connect the battery to the leads, and clip the negative end of the jumpers to the vise, withe the plusitive end of the jumpers make a contact with both the large terminal on your starter as well as the solenoid terminal, usually a small spade terminal.
should go whizz and whurr, the pinion should, err slide out with a good whack.
to test the clutch, with the starter motoring, lever up against the pinion with your woody, normally one end on the bench, one end in your hand, putting grunt on the pinion on the middle ish. you should be able to put enough grunt onto it to stall/slow the motor, not make the clutch slip or the pinion stop. enjoy the fragrance of burning wood, dont keep the motor turning too long at a time.
MAD Industries Limited
'97 GTT auto, -under rebuild, again.
the faster you go, the quicker you get there...