i have removed the heatshield on my car and sanded it back and intend to polish it up. i want to know by sanding of the paint on the outside of the heatshield if it will heat up more. if it does can i spray hpc coating on it? where do i get it tho? and is it clear?
so by sanding the heat shield back to bare metal. is it necasary to hpc coat it or will it be fine. im not keen on the fact that it could burn the paint on my bonnet
HPC isn't necessary IMHO. Just go to your local autofactors (such as Repco) and get some VHT (Very High Temperature) paint and use that. So long as you prepare the surface and apply the paint correctly, no reason why it shouldn't last a long time and do the job it is designed to do. It will be MUCH cheaper than HPCing
If you are going to get it done professionally I'd recommend procoat over hpc. When I rang for quotes for my turbo manifold procoat was cheaper and the turn around was 5 days instead of 3 weeks.