well jamex is too blame as they mislead me by saying i would get a 40 to 45mm drop when a clearly didnt! iof they stated the tru drop i never would have brought them!
Who stated this? Jamex themselves or some dodgy suspension shop
For what it is worth, i had a AE101 Super strut Levin a few years ago, I put Low (not Super low) kings in it, supposedly a 35mm drop or something, actual drop, 10mm in the front and about a 5mm increase in the rear, Toyota could have made subtle changes to the factory suspension over the years, maybe at some stage they changed spec's to a slightly lower spring then originally fitted i don't know.... maybe your springs and shocks have sagged over the years, hence not dropping the full 40~45mm drop, maybe your old stuff had sagged 10~20mm, another highly possible situation??? Be careful about publicly badmouthing reputable and knowledgable company's as sometimes it is an individual's ignorance to blame