by WALT3R » Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:30 pm
Avgas runs a higher octane level than regular petrol... we all know that, it wont improve the performance, wont clean out the engine, all it will do is burn cleaner and slightly hotter, want to waste money? go ahead. If you want smooth running and a slight power increase (as two litre has said), oil filter, petrol filers(both main and aux), ht leads, distributer cap and rotor, and get some high quality spark plugs (veridian are good, $25 a pop). The exhaust? good idea, a 75-80mm straight through is all you need if running up to 250 kilowats. just add mufflers untill you are happy with the noise, i did and it went great. If you do a filter, make sure its getting cold clean air, itl last longer and go better,i turned one of my bonnet intakes around and put a pod under it so it was sucking clean air, right were the factory filter is... gr8. these mods should be got for another 10-25 kilowats and wont break the bank. You should expect this kind of performance from a factory set up, they ristrict them for a reason. What you need to do is find the restrictions and eliminate them... exhaust is the first..... bov's only sound cool, you have an internal wastegate that dumps it inside the exhaust, more than adequate. Front mounts are great, but hugely expensive, all comes down on how much you want to spend
Why do babies shit themselves?.... sometimes you just dont know any better