I actually got them off a Mazda from pickapart. For 15 bucks working I thought it wasn;t to bad, damn things kept filling up with water though and rusting out the insides. I aint got any spots on the Hiace, its got 4 main headlamps already and two fogs so technically it's not legal, but if beer up the wiring on the fogs I can put 150watt bulbs in there and do just as good as some spotties
They have motorised covers too (so they take 10 seconds to come on anyways) and wont turn on unless you got both parking light circuits on so a WOF inspector won't be any the wiser Mwahahahaha.
I was pretty guttered about the bighorns ones as well, but thems the breaks. I learnt my lesson though - took my two hours to rewire them *sigh*