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Aftermarket exhaust for ae101 - help

Postby Hbomb » Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:59 pm

I have never got an aftermatket exhaust before and am considering getting one for my ae101 trueno. Im looking at prob just 2.25 inch piping with a chrome tip, where is the best place around auckland (north shore) to go to? How much would is approx cost? Does the piping need to go all the way through or just cat back?
My mate told me that his exhaust (pulsar) was crap from pitt stop but I might check them out anyway.

Thanks, all help appreciated
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Postby rollas22 » Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:06 pm

In my opinion PITSTOP have never been anygood to me. Ive got a custom 2.5" exhaust for my levin ae101 with a RPS chrome end. Nice sounding, cost around $250 for tip, and $300 for exhaust. so not that bad ither.
Try some of the local exhaust shops they seem to do a good job with out all the markup.
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Postby EVLGTZ » Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:18 pm

Actually Pitstop on Wairau rd is all good. Go see lance or John, they'll sort ya out.

I'd go either 2.25 or 2.5 inch with a big resonator and muffler of your choice (usually RPS if from pitstop). And yeah may as well just go from the cat back.
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Postby aesc » Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:24 pm

Yip you wont need to go any bigger than 2.25'. Depending what your budget is, you can just get piping from the cat, that way you wont need resonators but you wont get the performance.
You could get the cat completely taken out which is better for performance and get the piping done from the flexi but that way youll need atleast two resonators.

I remember reading a post on here a while back on how one of the members explained how to get a 20V sounding real nice. Mightve been something like keeping the standard centre muffler and replacing the cat with a straight piece of pipe, then putting an aftermarket straight through rear muffler on.

But do a search and you will find! just remember to put and word AND between each word :wink:
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Postby GT-T » Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:41 pm

I think you can get a secondhand Exhaust system for around $350.00
Can't remember it's TRD or somthing....
My friend is selling his aftermarket Japanese exhaust for AE101/111.
Good sound but not loud.
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Postby RunningRich » Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:46 pm

Whatever you do don't go to Pitstop in Onehunga. Their workmanship is laughable and they don't do what you request. Pitstop head office backup is also non-existant.

Soon I'll write this up for my webpage.

Product service I've had from Mobil on the other hand is bloody brillant.
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Postby vvega » Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:56 pm

a nasty restriction in a ae101 exhaust is the bit that pops over the swaybar and crossmember

so while you may see a small inprovement from a catback
there are good gains in getting rid of the stock extractor to cat pipe with something that flows more than a macdonalds straw


Postby EVLGTZ » Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:58 pm

vvega wrote:a nasty restriction in a ae101 exhaust is the bit that pops over the swaybar and crossmember

so while you may see a small inprovement from a catback
there are good gains in getting rid of the stock extractor to cat pipe with something that flows more than a macdonalds straw


hehe thats an understatement. That peice is utter shite for flow :lol:
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Postby trueno93 » Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:14 pm

would anyone recomend getting the cat replaced just to free it up a bit or is it just not worth the hassle? (already got a good muffler on the back)
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Postby rollas22 » Sat Aug 28, 2004 10:40 am

i would remove the cat! Yep that piece in the front that swoops over the sway bar and cross member is a killer for flow...
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Postby trueno93 » Sat Aug 28, 2004 11:22 am

whatabout replacing the cat with a new one so its not guna bacome so tinny sounding? sounds really good at the moment but would like to try and free it up some more without losing the sound? isnt the problem with cats just thatthey get so clogged up with crap that it reduces the flow?
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