Altezza Ecu Options

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Altezza Ecu Options

Postby atmosports » Sun Aug 29, 2004 8:05 pm

Anyone know of any ecu options for these. Preferably plugin. Apexi Power FC would be the answer as I have the software for one, just got to find someone willing to sell me a new one. Blitz,HKS etc don't seem to have a solution. I've been down the link/linkplus avenue before & even after 2 months of back & forwards to them we still have not got a workable solution. Motec,Autronic etc will work but at this stage I'd rather a plugin Jap solution, but if there is no alternative then I'll just make an adaptor loom to plug a wirein into the loom
Last edited by atmosports on Sun Aug 29, 2004 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Al » Sun Aug 29, 2004 8:24 pm

turbo tezza has just installed a power fc into his turbocharged altezza and its being tuned 2moro

get hold of him for the info

afaik it was bought on a group deal for around $1250 incl hand controller
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Postby Celica RA45 » Sun Aug 29, 2004 11:50 pm

if you are going to motec system you will have to use the latest M400 with cam control also they might be able to make a plug in for it
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Postby atmosports » Mon Aug 30, 2004 6:25 pm

If I go motec i'd go m800/m880 as my pricing on this is less than what 99% of people will pay for a m400. As for a plug-in most ecu manufacturers will produce a plug-in if you supply them with 100 or so plugs, been done this road many a times with other stuff & it's not economical, better off just to make an adaptor loom yourself. But It looks like I'm going power fc as I've already got the software & now have a part # for the only altezza ecu they produce.
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Postby turbo tezza » Mon Aug 30, 2004 6:39 pm

Apex-i produce 2 power fc for the altezza. 1 for the standard altezza and 1 for an altezza turbo.
Don't ask me wot the difference is, but there is definately 1!

This no. may help : FCC3 020-04955

This is my the serial no. on my 1: PFC SXE10T 020-0030

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