Yeah, think I got it sussed. 2 for water which are obvious after having a better look/play with it, brake boost, MAP sensor on top.
There are also 2 more lines on the bottom which bugger off over to a solenoid or something in the back corner of the engine bay (passengers side) which I've hooked up but have no idea what they are for. I'm assuming idle controls as there is an adjustment screw on the back (white plastic one). That leaves only one hole left... on top of the throttle body there are 2 outlets, one for each side of the throttle plate itself. One going to MAP sensor but where does the other go?
Also, anyone know on a 4AGZE what the little filter looking thing (looks like a little crappy plastic fuel filter, the likes of what you see on older engines) which is on a small line attached to the fuel rail?
btw, conversion is getting there Bazda. Was gonna be assembling it for the last time today (kinda) but a bolt decided it didn't want to tighten to hold the exhaust manifold on and ended up stripping out the thread in the block. Gonna sort that tomorrow or the next day hopefully. Then its a matter of oil feeds (sorted, but not on) and pulleys/belts