O2Senser silvertop

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O2Senser silvertop

Postby AceSniper » Thu Sep 16, 2004 11:21 pm

Iv just hooked up a guage and in the morning and night it just reads lean... and sometimes dosnt read at all... during the day it seams fine... is the senser fukd or what??
an if so... who sells 4wire sensers at an "ok price" and have them in stock :oops:
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Postby aesc » Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:50 am

Hey dude do you realise that the gauge wont work until the sensor has warmed up to temperature, which is about 400 deg C? Maybe the heater has gone in it, which may mean that when you are just cruisin along at constant speed (no acceleration etc - lets the sensor cool) when the ambient temp is lower, such as morning or night, the sensor may be dropping below operating temp and therefore not give a reading.
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Postby AceSniper » Fri Sep 17, 2004 11:16 am

yea im thinking its the heater to...
Only thing is... at night and the morning it reads lean, during the day... dosnt matter if the engine is cold or not Turn the key and there is instint readings... and I doubt it would get upto temp that quick :? and once during the day there has been nothing at all... dead... confusing hmmm
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Postby Just_Juzz » Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:45 pm

Maybe a dodgy wire? Making contact sometimes then not other times? Break in one of the wires you used to no fault of your own?

Check that befoer you falk out for a new sensor.
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Postby aesc » Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:54 pm

There are ways of testing if the sensor is the problem. Have a search of the net your bound to find something. I have 1 of the 2 pages of how to test the sensor but its prob no use without the other.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:18 pm

hmm time for a 'on to it' sparky to look at this.. and i know just the guy...
ill bring it to his attention!

if you need a new sensor i thk a lot of auto electrical stores sell replacements, may have one to suit. ill pm you the genuie price
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Postby 10k 20v » Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:15 pm

my o2 sensor gauge does almost the same thing. when you apply and electrical load like switch the headlights on, crank the stereo etc it reads leaner. not a problem with o2 sensor.
to fix this i ran a direct wire fromt hte battery (fused) and earth the gauge to the cylinder head where the ecu also earths.
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Postby AceSniper » Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:45 pm

mm that may do the trick? Its odd tho only done it in the cold... ill try turning my lights off see if it changes(look out for the ae101 in the dark :D) but anyway... I pulled it out today... had abit of carbon buildup on the base but nuthen bad turned it on an it felt to be getting warm but very very slowly
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Postby Loudtoy » Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:41 am

AceSniper wrote:mm that may do the trick? Its odd tho only done it in the cold... ill try turning my lights off see if it changes(look out for the ae101 in the dark :D) but anyway... I pulled it out today... had abit of carbon buildup on the base but nuthen bad turned it on an it felt to be getting warm but very very slowly

You do realise that there is 2 o2 sensor wires that you can splice into on the ecu?? Maybe i'd try the other one if i was you - same thing happenend to me wheni first put my af ratio gauge in. But then i changed wire to the other 02 sensor wire and it was sweet, ran fine and always did after that :)
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Postby AceSniper » Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:11 pm

yea there are two black oxy wires the bottom one been the + for the heater or sumthen? Iv taped into the center plug 3rd wire at the top. Just went to taupo and around half way there I got some proper readings that stayed around the 14.7 so im guessing the heater in it is screwed coz at the start of the trip ham-cambridge it read lean then it started reading but all over the place.
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Postby Loudtoy » Sun Sep 19, 2004 12:40 pm

AceSniper wrote:yea there are two black oxy wires the bottom one been the + for the heater or sumthen? Iv taped into the center plug 3rd wire at the top. Just went to taupo and around half way there I got some proper readings that stayed around the 14.7 so im guessing the heater in it is screwed coz at the start of the trip ham-cambridge it read lean then it started reading but all over the place.

Another thought while you are just cruising it will vary from lean to rich the whole time rtying to get the optimum burn efficency for the motor or a condition called stoich (don't ask me why it's called that) while you have your foot up it or off it it will read a constant reading maybe varying a little but not much! ie with your foot hard up it the gauge should show a rich reading whilst with your foot off it may not read at all!
If your still having problems you could start at the start and redo all your power and negative wires!
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Postby AceSniper » Sun Sep 19, 2004 4:21 pm

Yes I know how they work :roll:

But it shouldnt take 80-100km's for the guage to read from L lean (not working) to a reading... the further I drove the better readings I got... with constant throttle, while its stuck as Lean if you put the gas on It wont even flick to ritch... simply dosnt work. So im thinking the heater in its stuffed since it apered to take that long for it to warm up enuff to work.
I guess during the day it works since things are abit warmer... but the figurs still arnt right untill its been driven heaps.
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