AE101 rear wheel bearing and brake balance

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AE101 rear wheel bearing and brake balance

Postby TruenoBoy » Mon Sep 20, 2004 6:45 pm

Hey I am needing to replace a left rear wheel bearing in my ae101 trueno. Just wondering if anybody could tell me if it is possible to do it at home or a job for someone with a press and gas torch. I have never done a wheel bearing before but have a couple of mates who have and basically one of them thinks that you would need a press and a gas torch to do it and the other says you probally wont just a matter of unbolting it all and slotting in inner and outer bearing and seal.

Just wondering if anyone could tell me what the go is, and also slightly explain how to do it so I sort of know and any tips for if I do it myself (with mates help).

Also when I went for a warrent I was also told the rear brake balance was out by 35% (possibly becasue of the bearing). Would this just be a matter of doing the pads and maybe a disc skim or is there something else that needs to be adjusted.
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Postby CozmoNz » Mon Sep 20, 2004 7:08 pm

well the bearing is easy.

remove wheel, remove caliper, remove disc, ull see 4 bolts, usually you gotta spin the hub to get to them, just use a single hex with an extension, coz they are farking tight as.

remove that, get ur new one (they are usualy sold all pre packed), and ready to go take the i think the outta seal or something off the current one, and replace onto new one, (if dosnt come with one in pack), smoosh the new one into the hub with your press. and chuck some extra greese in there (thin-ish), not to rough now :).

make sure the hub itself is clean before you push it back on and bolt er up.

bolt everything back on the way it was, and do those hub bolts up FARKING tight :). dont want a wheel falling off now do ya. put ur disc and caliper back on, then the wheel.

go for a ride ;).

this is the procedure i followed when i did my 111, but hey, i might be forgetting parts. but just take it to peices, its pretty bloody easy to do.
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Postby Ae92typeX » Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:15 am

As far as the balance goes, its quite possible it is related to the beering if its bad. I'd suggest giving both back breaks a cleanup with meths/brake cleaner and giving the pads a quick sand with 80ish grit paper (just a quick sand)
dont do the weel beering up too tight as that can cause it to fail again before its time.
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