4agze into KP60

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4agze into KP60

Postby Ae86drift » Tue Sep 21, 2004 6:52 pm

If anybody has done this before I have a few questions I need answered..

Fuel Tank ok?
What fuel pump and lines?
What clutch to use when using t50 (heard that ze clutch is too big for bell housing)
Any wiring tips?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Postby kingcorolla » Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:46 pm

hey dude, im puttin a 4age into a coroolla at the mo, this is what ive planned..

fuel tank: could be alrite, but if used for track purposes, a surge tank could be thought about? Also if u wanna run an internal pump, u could change tank.

lines: i heard upgrading to a 10mm (braided) solid line, to the filter, then u choose from there. Im going with XRP braided line for fuel rail delivery, and to the pump (from tank.) Im going with braded joins/lines for the catch can hoses. (Wank factor i know, just keeping it all the same.. :D )

clutch: Well if ure going with the 'gze id presume it would be getting a beating.. so maybe u can take factory working clutch to a speciallist, and get themm to make u a clutch & pressure plate. ful face disc or a puck. Or if its a show car, just usual disc will do fine.

wiring tips: just ask!

this are my plans for my setup, just thought id share them to give u an idea :)
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Postby starlet drifter » Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:20 pm

hey, i put a 4ge into my kp61.
This is what i did...

FUEL, brazed a new bigger pickup beside the factory fuel pickup ontop of the tank, easy as. (For all the new solid fuel pipe under the car i used 3/8 bundy tube, from BNT $25). Used a fuel pump from a RB30 turbo Skyline, being an in-line type it's easier to mount. Up front, i got some high pressuse fuel hose from Hydraulink (300psi), and got them to braze a push-type fitting onto the O.E. banjo joint that bolts to the fuel rail (all up about $30). Got a high-pressure fuel filter from Rapeco... done and done. Didn't bother with a surge tank as its not going to be a race car, i just have to keep it above 1/4 tank full. The factory pickup is acting as the fuel return line.

With the g'box, i used a K50 out of a 3A power RWD Corolla, (bolts straight to the 4age block) this saved to having to make ANY trans tunnel mods, all i did was swap my starlet K50 tailshaft housing over to the corlla one, so the x-member mount and shifter hole sit in the same spot as orginal, output shaft spline is the same, allowing you to use
factory UN-modded driveshaft. For the clutch, i used a 200mm dia. flywheel, standard 4age pressure plte, but i had to get a disc made up, (about $150, pain in the butt, but i needed it) to suit the diameter of the flywheel, and spline count and size of the input shaft on the g'box.

If u wanna know nything else, let me know :)
mmm 4age kp starlet :D
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Postby starlet drifter » Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:22 pm

starlet drifter wrote:hey, i put a 4ge into my kp61.
This is what i did...

FUEL, brazed a new bigger pickup beside the factory fuel pickup ontop of the tank, easy as. (For all the new solid fuel pipe under the car i used 3/8 bundy tube, from BNT $25). Used a fuel pump from a RB30 turbo Skyline, being an in-line type it's easier to mount. Up front, i got some high pressuse fuel hose from Hydraulink (300psi), and got them to braze a push-type fitting onto the O.E. banjo joint that bolts to the fuel rail (all up about $30). Got a high-pressure fuel filter from Rapeco... done and done. Didn't bother with a surge tank as its not going to be a race car, i just have to keep it above 1/4 tank full. The factory fuel line is acting as the return line to the tank.

With the g'box, i used a K50 out of a 3A power RWD Corolla, (bolts straight to the 4age block) this saved to having to make ANY trans tunnel mods, all i did was swap my starlet K50 tailshaft housing over to the corlla one, so the x-member mount and shifter hole sit in the same spot as orginal, output shaft spline is the same, allowing you to use
factory UN-modded driveshaft. For the clutch, i used a 200mm dia. flywheel, standard 4age pressure plte, but i had to get a disc made up, (about $150, pain in the butt, but i needed it) to suit the diameter of the flywheel, and spline count and size of the input shaft on the g'box.

If u wanna know nything else, let me know :)
mmm 4age kp starlet :D
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Postby Grotty » Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:29 pm

Hey man, i have some mounts to fit rwd 4age into a kp standard cross member if ya interested?
Just bolt up and go ! no cutting or welding needed.

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