More Power from 1.3

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More Power from 1.3

Postby Tecnik » Sat May 31, 2003 12:31 am

Basically i've just done a fair bit of work on my 2E OHC 1295cc 12 valve engine on my corolla, engine head, all gaskets, oil/cooling flush, serviced everything so its running sweet.
But now im wanting more power, and on the extreme cheap.
How hard would it be to do a 2E-TE transplant?
Im running the Import carbie, and heard that a NZ new carb would give a fair bit more power and less trouble, is that true?? I'm thinking firstly air intake, but K&N or any other brands don't make suitable air filters, any ideas??
I disconnected the vent hose on the top of the rocker cover cos i figured it was just putting crap air thru my carb which would lead to worse combustion, was i right? also next time i over fill the oil it wont pump oil thru my air filter and carb :(

if anyone has any ideas/suggestions thatd be sweet as :D
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Postby diss7 » Sat May 31, 2003 12:41 am

put a 4efte in it, gt starlet motor
cheap conversion

Postby gmacrae » Sat May 31, 2003 4:02 pm

unless you spend ridiculous amounts of money on block work, head work, cams, big carbs, intake and exhaust, you'll never get the power ur after out of that motor, changing a carb and minor intake mods wont make the car 'faster,' sorry to say

One of the transplants above would give great results, or even a bluetop from an ae82 fxgt, should be a simple transplant, great motor.
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Postby liftback » Sat May 31, 2003 10:54 pm

4age would need new mounts, 4efte would be the best way to go...
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Postby Stu- » Sun Jun 01, 2003 3:57 pm

plague028 wrote:4age would need new mounts, 4efte would be the best way to go...

Correct me if I'm wrong but don't up spec corolla's come out with a 4age so it'd just be a case of transplanting all the running gear from a fxgt? They have the same mounting points just different mounts themselves.
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Postby summin » Tue Sep 21, 2004 3:06 pm

liftback wrote:4age would need new mounts, 4efte would be the best way to go...

Anyopne have any idea EXACTLY whats needed to do this transplant?

Im actually in pretty much the same boat the the guy in the original post, looking for a bit of a cheap project...

Either that or a 2e-te...

please help I need to get it going :D
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Postby slithr » Tue Sep 21, 2004 3:10 pm

Slightly bigger jets in the carb and a bit more ignition advance will give you a bit more but use more gas too.
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Postby TRD Man » Tue Sep 21, 2004 3:26 pm

Around the time we were rallying an EP71 with 2E we heard of a courier driver in Auckland who had installed a 4AGE FXGT setup in his EP71.
I never saw the car but apparently there was some chopping of the chassis rails required to fit the unit in. Or maybe just to centre it.
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Postby ee904age » Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:13 pm

4AGE is more trouble than its worth unless you're really keen on one (like I was :? ) I'd stick with a 4EFTE if I were you.
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Postby Stu- » Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:17 pm

I'd agree with that.
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Re: More Power from 1.3

Postby kingcorolla » Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:01 pm

Tecnik wrote: ...I disconnected the vent hose on the top of the rocker cover cos i figured it was just putting crap air thru my carb which would lead to worse combustion, was i right? also next time i over fill the oil it wont pump oil thru my air filter and carb

hahaha this is silly talk.

first of all that hose is put there for a reason, it is a positive crankcase ventilation valve, and it vents pressure to the intake manifold, to stop the oil from churning. if your cars running like shit coz of it, its coz u got a BIG vaccuum leak, or its connected to the filter housing.

2nd of all, when u fill it up with oil, it doesent sit in the rocker cover, it drains to sump, thats what the summps for, to hold oil. if u over fill it, DONT WORRY, it wonk leak out the top.... i think toyota were smarter than that..

btw im not rolling my eyes at u, coz that is what some ppl do. No-one knows it all, everyone asks questions.

and ye, go with the 4e-fte :D
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Postby Ae92typeX » Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:55 pm

Being that you say you wana do it cheep, I'd personally just keep it standard and concentrate on the fuel economy side.
Power of the 1.3 will never be fab as, and unless you love the car an engine conversion aint worth the $$.
Doing the standard exhause, filter could help a very SMALL amount with power & also not affect economy.
just me 2c anyhow
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Postby summin » Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:55 pm

Anyone got any idea of which one of the two are the easiest (read cheapest) to do ie, which will bolt on with the least problems.

Also do they share gboxes, clutches, flywheels, driveshafts etc with the 2E thats already in there?..

cheers :D
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Postby ee904age » Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:26 pm

Summin: No the 4AGE doesnt share clutch/gbox/driveshafts with a 2E and the have a different mounting point on the drivers side thus requiring fabricaton thus making it more expensive than a 4EFTE conversion.(all depending on what you pay for the engine of course!)
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Postby summin » Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:40 pm

ee904age wrote:Summin: No the 4AGE doesnt share clutch/gbox/driveshafts with a 2E and the have a different mounting point on the drivers side thus requiring fabricaton thus making it more expensive than a 4EFTE conversion.(all depending on what you pay for the engine of course!)

Sorry I meant 4e-fte...
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Postby summin » Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:15 pm

Ae92typeX wrote:Being that you say you wana do it cheep, I'd personally just keep it standard and concentrate on the fuel economy side.
Power of the 1.3 will never be fab as, and unless you love the car an engine conversion aint worth the $$.
Doing the standard exhause, filter could help a very SMALL amount with power & also not affect economy.
just me 2c anyhow

Fair enuf, BUT...heheh...Im not after massive power, or impressive 1/4 mile times...what Im after is something different, and something with that SHIT-DID-YOU-SEE-THAT-BLOODY-ROLLA effect, and the fact that theyre wicked little cars sorta contribute to that too :D IMHO ofcourse :D

Being that the engine in my car is rooted, and soon to get the old "brick on the accelarator" trick, I might aswell go ahead and do something a little different than popping another 2e into it.

Ive got some info off Stu (EP71-4age), but I stil need a lot more before I can decide which way to go (Looking like 4e-fte at the moment)

If it might help I can take some photos of my engine bay tomorrow and post em on here, might be able to sort out if I need mounts moved, changed etc...

Also, I prolly need to upgrade the brakes dont I? Even though it wont be a massive increase in power, but which would be best suited for the job, and whats involved in changin them?

cheers again :D

Bloody hell cert prolly needed too, mmmm....
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Postby Caveman » Tue Sep 21, 2004 11:14 pm

What about a standard 4efe. Pretty standard motor, dohc 16, injected, etc.. Do simple mods - intake, exhaust, headers then if you want port and polish job and advance the cam timing. You should be able to do all the work/install yourself. The most expensive would be the headers and motor. Then when you get more money get higher compression pistons.
Should be able to push 130-150bhp


you could go off and use the 4efte. cheap power. get the drivetrain with the engine or you can kiss your current one goodbye. turbo will probably need a rebuilt but that should be the only extra cost.

i'd do the na job, but its your choice.
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Postby Al » Tue Sep 21, 2004 11:16 pm

Once you go turbo you never go back
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Postby Caveman » Tue Sep 21, 2004 11:18 pm

Oh and the other part of going fast is power to wieght.

if you dont need it dump it. a/c, spare tyre, rear seats. obviously you loose the practical uses of the car but if you want cheap speed this is a good way to go. just keep your car road legal.
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Postby summin » Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:54 am

1998 wrote:Oh and the other part of going fast is power to wieght.

if you dont need it dump it. a/c, spare tyre, rear seats. obviously you loose the practical uses of the car but if you want cheap speed this is a good way to go. just keep your car road legal.

Another reason why Im considering this, these corollas weigh bugger all, and Im sure I can strip even more bits out of it to make it even lighter.

If I go for a 4e-fe, Ill be stuck with a slow NA engine, and one that'll take pretty much the same effort to swap into my car...might aswell go turbo.


Anyone know much about the fuelling side of things?...apparently I need either a fuel tank out of injected engine, fuel return line, or surge tank... Which would be easiest/cheapest/most viable option to do>?

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