4efte into EE80 corolla

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4efte into EE80 corolla

Postby summin » Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:50 pm

I know theres another thread on this same topic, but just trying to get it all in one thread, seeing as I pretty much hijacked the other one...

Planning on doing the above conversion, (replacing 2E with 4Efte) heres what Ive got sorted out so far:

Engine - will bolt straight in if I swap over some mounts etc

Gearbox - Same as above - (anyone know if the stock one will bolt onto 4e?)

Driveshafts - Not 100% yet but should be no problem

Wiring - Pain in the ass, prolly try to hang myself with the loom :? :cry:

Fuelling - Need to use carb breather for return line, standard pump should be ok for low boost. Might have to go for EFI tank and lines if this doesnt work.

Brakes - Standard brakes prolly wont do, might have to go for later model Corolla/levin/fxgt etc brakes (Anyone know whats involved in swapping these?)

Certing - Pretty sure Ill need a cert for brakes and Carb to EFI - anything else I need to know about?

Please comment if theres anything else I need to know , or if theres an easier way etc etc to do something, or even just if you have any comments. Last thing I want is to buy something and then find out that it wont work/doesnt fit etc...

cheers for all the help so far
Peter :D

PS - Anyone got a 4E-FTE and or gearbox for sale? PM if anyones got one :D
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Postby summin » Fri Sep 24, 2004 5:10 pm

Hmmmm...never had to bump anything in tech...hehe :D
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Postby SIDE_FX » Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:02 pm

engine bolts in bar 1 mount gearbox not tol sure but a 2e box bolts on wiring is a prob so is fuel but u cab just use the tank of an efi rolla
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Postby Stu- » Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:02 pm

The engine will bolt in by simply swapping the 2e mounts off the engine and onto the 4e.

The stock gearbox can be used and will last a fair amount of time. However, if you have a gt box, use it as they are stronger.

Use your stock driveshafts with either gearbox. The cv coupling spline count should be the same. Shafts are exactly the same from c150 to c52.

Wiring isn't too hard. Using a pinout diagram its pretty simple. Just rob the charge circuit and sensors etc from the original loom and lay them into the gt loom.
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Postby ee904age » Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:40 pm

What ep71 said. but you will need an external efi pump. The 2E pump won't be there anymore when the engine goes and the 4EFTE one wont fit in your tank. I suggest VL Commodore or possibly early Mazda 626 Efi but i would reccomend the VL for a turbo application. AND MAKE SURE YOU USE AN INLINE FILTER BEFORE THE PUMP ASWELL!!! you dont want grit through the pump.

PM for more info.
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Postby ee904age » Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:51 pm

Oh and as for your post in the other thread the return is the smaller of the two in the engine bay (not to be confused with brake lines lol 8O ) send me a pic and will point them out and return email if you want.
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Postby Stu- » Sat Sep 25, 2004 11:22 am

Ive got a VL pump for sale if your interested. Drop me a PM.
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Postby summin » Sat Sep 25, 2004 10:36 pm

What ep71 said. but you will need an external efi pump. The 2E pump won't be there anymore when the engine goes and the 4EFTE one wont fit in your tank. I suggest VL Commodore or possibly early Mazda 626 Efi but i would reccomend the VL for a turbo application. AND MAKE SURE YOU USE AN INLINE FILTER BEFORE THE PUMP ASWELL!!! you dont want grit through the pump.

So use the VL pump as an external pump? Sorry just a bit confused at the mo :? lol

Fuelling shouldnt be too much of a problem providing the fuel lines that are there now are sufficient. Might use the current ones at the start, and if theyre shite Ill try to find another tank etc... Not gona run massive boost thought so shouldnt be a problem I think.

Wiring isn't too hard. Using a pinout diagram its pretty simple. Just rob the charge circuit and sensors etc from the original loom and lay them into the gt loom.

Im trying to get a whole wrecked starlet as a donor, should make things a lot easier. If not Ill try to get absolutely everything I can form whoever I buy an engine off.

Cheers for all your help so far guys, keep it coming if you think of anything else though. Im gona owe all ya guys a boost in it when Its finally done....hmmmm bring on Feb next year :D !!
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Postby ee904age » Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:22 pm

Yup the VL is external, cut the rubber line jonong the tank to the alloy pipe under the car and join each end to the pump. Bolt the pump to the outside of the spare tyre well and bingo! fuelling is sorted.

PS there are 3 (I think) lines coming outta the tank so I will have a look for you and see which one is feed coz if you get it wrong and have the pump running dry for too long you will burn it out.
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Postby summin » Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:29 pm

ee904age wrote:Yup the VL is external, cut the rubber line jonong the tank to the alloy pipe under the car and join each end to the pump. Bolt the pump to the outside of the spare tyre well and bingo! fuelling is sorted.

PS there are 3 (I think) lines coming outta the tank so I will have a look for you and see which one is feed coz if you get it wrong and have the pump running dry for too long you will burn it out.

Cool cheers for that. Im sticking the car up on stands tomorrow to have a proper look at the underside etc just to make sure Im up to speed :D

Theres a wrecked starlet in auction on wed, so might have to make some effort and have a look at it, might be what I need if its cheap enough.

Ill give you guys PM in the next few days with photos of the lines, and about the VL pump Stu.

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Postby summin » Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:49 pm

PS one more thing - Would the brakes off a '84 AE82 FXGT work on my car? (pretty sure theyre disks front and rear)

Guess Ill need the whole hub with disks, calipers etc, but is there anything else I need...saw a guy selling some in another thread..

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Postby ee904age » Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:48 pm

Yeap they would fit but I think you will also need master cyl and handbrake assy. To me it would be a lot of work for minimal gain.
Just upgrade your fronts and you should be fine.
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