To v8 a hilux

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To v8 a hilux

Postby TruenoBoy » Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:31 pm

Hey I am in the market for a work wagon. While my first choice is a vt commodore station wagon a second choice would be a Hilux ute. If I was to go the hilux way I am very keen to covert it to v8 using the 1UZ. What I am looking for is which hilux is the best to start from? petrol to save changing fuel lines..... is the 4x4 2x4 or 2wd version the best to get I think I can remember reading one is better than the other in terms of space requirements I am after double cab or extra cab aswell if that makes a difference ? Will the engine bolt straight up/what engine mounts to use?

I know an adapter plate is needed for the bell housing...

What gear box would be best to use? I wont be modding the engine really apart from intake and exhaust would want to keep it pretty stock. So I was thinking a cast iron celica box? should be strong enough to handle the power but are the ratios too long? would I be best going with the v6 surf box mentioned in other threads? obviously a supra box would be the ultimate. Any mods needed to make to the diff ratios? standard hilux diff should be sufficiant?

Anything else?

Just trying to get an idea of the job before I go out and get a hilux.... if I cant find a vt wagon.

Any help appreciated, cheers.

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Postby YeMs » Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:35 pm

lol, these are the hell conversions. theres 1 that drives round locally, sounds mean as. i think the best box to use is the w58 supra box, with an adapter plate. um, i assume the 2wd is the best to use? cos it already has a primary diff, instead of 1 from a 4wd setup, altho im not sure if the 4wd rear diffs are any different.
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Postby z|gen » Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:49 pm

question..why the 1UZFE ?
i dont get what all the hype is about a 4.0ltr V8, when theres also a 4.3ltr V8 (3UZFE) or the almighty 4.7ltr V8 (2UZFE)..all good engines..just cost f**kloads, if you are serious about this, now would be a good time to contact TNZ and see if you buy a bellhousing from one of the recalled auto trans.
the 5 spd from a supra - not sure on code sorry should be strong enough,
as for converting..easiest to do would be the 2WD, make sure it has LSD though.
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Postby GT4 20 » Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:31 pm

What's the 2UZFE from?
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Postby ~SlideWays~ » Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:29 am

There is a car club in WGTN called the constructors car club and in their magazine there has been a few articles about this conversion.

I can find out the site or a contact number if your interested, but be prepared to pay alot of money!! There is a write up on parts and costs.

This is an article by Phil Bradshaw

Estimated total for conversion is $8250 (including $1500 for engine/ecu)

The article says to be realistic budget for $10K
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Postby rxtoy » Fri Oct 01, 2004 5:01 pm

the 2 and 3 (and i think there's a 4???) uzfe's are made for big 4wd type wagons, heaps of torque but don't rev as well and i think the horsepower gains are minimal and in some cases less. also (not sure if all) they come with a variety of cast iron blocks and heads depending on the engine. the 1uzfe has an alloy block and an alloy head. they are also a lot more common, therefore cheaper. they also have a 6 bolt per main bearing bottom end, pretty damn close to indestructible.

v6 surf box is for 4wd version, i personally would go for the 2wd ute for the weight saving's and less power loss through the drivetrain. there are some 4wd's around with the 1uzfe though, there's a good article somewhere on the net on a guy in whangarei who built one.

if you do it then phil bradshaw is making and selling the gearbox adapter plate to use any of the w5* series or the r154 gearbox. these are very good bits of kit and everything was laser aligned to ensure that there would be no problems with misalignment eating bearings.

pm me if you go ahead with this and want his phone number.

i'm pretty sure you'll need custom mounts for the engine, not sure about the gearbox, i think some of the early hilux's came out with W50 boxes (so you could probably use those gearbox mounts), not sure what the later 2wd hilux's ran.

for wiring i'd also see phil bradshaw, he's done a whole lot of these conversions and knows the loom like the back of his hand. you can (contrary to popular belief) use the stock loom with the manual gearbox but if you're going to mod it much then i'd go with an aftermarket computer.

another issue is the flywheel, there's no off the shelf versions but i've got a mate who's modified a gt4 celica one to fit, i could find out more about it if anybody's interested?

hilux diff's are all good and there are heaps of centre's available including cool stuff like air lockable centre's (thanks to the 4wd dirt guys) plus there's heaps of ratio's available.

this would be a wicked conversion, the only thing i'd be worried about is the handling. takes a fair bit of work to get a ute to handle like a car. would be a pretty cool cruiser though, the sound would be awesome.

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Postby 92GTApex » Fri Oct 01, 2004 5:49 pm
Good help on all conversions here
Whangarei based conversion
More help from here

That should give you enough to read through and find out more about the conversion

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Postby MR2SIK » Fri Oct 01, 2004 6:08 pm

2011 Ford Mondeo tdci.

Hey, at least it sounds like a 3s.

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Postby Dr-X » Fri Oct 01, 2004 7:01 pm

z|gen wrote:question..why the 1UZFE ?
i dont get what all the hype is about a 4.0ltr V8, when theres also a 4.3ltr V8 (3UZFE) or the almighty 4.7ltr V8 (2UZFE)..all good engines..just cost f**kloads, if you are serious about this, now would be a good time to contact TNZ and see if you buy a bellhousing from one of the recalled auto trans.
the 5 spd from a supra - not sure on code sorry should be strong enough,
as for converting..easiest to do would be the 2WD, make sure it has LSD though.

Well, heck, why not a 351 windsor or clevo? Why not use a real V8, not thesee sissy powerless toyota v8's?
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Postby flygt4 » Fri Oct 01, 2004 7:36 pm

a mate of mine has just done 1uz -hilux conversion...after going in it i wouldnt even consider going just 2wd.. for obvious reasons.. its far from a straight bolt in affair either. they r reasonably quick , and sound awesome.
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Postby Al » Fri Oct 01, 2004 7:57 pm

Rollux on this board once put a 302 Windsor v8 into his old diesel surf

afaik it cost him no where near $8k...
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Postby ~SlideWays~ » Sat Oct 02, 2004 12:21 am

Al wrote:Rollux on this board once put a 302 Windsor v8 into his old diesel surf

afaik it cost him no where near $8k...

depends who does it.
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Postby evil_si » Sat Oct 02, 2004 12:33 am

i was using a 1uzfe, easier and cheaper to get than any of the 2, 3 or 4 uzfe's
along with a w58 from a late model supra, and one of phill bradshaws adaptor plates using the standard auto bell housing, all bolted together with out any problems
i was looking at running a twin plate clutch custom made by the guys in wellington at 0800 clutch. cant remember the company name.
as for fitting to a hilux, not to bad a job, pretty tight, need the close manifolds to clear the steering, and to relocate the handbrake bracket from inside the engine bay to inside the cab, cant remember off hand what is the best sump to use, have a feeling it was the fromnt sump to clear the cross member,

best to make custom mounts,

id start with either of the rwd hilux's
as youd need a capable fuel pump and custom fuel lines arnt expensive,

jono from performance metalworks has done a lot of these conversions, and phill bradshaw has wired a lot as well.
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Postby TruenoBoy » Sat Oct 02, 2004 1:01 am

Cheers for all the replys guys Im stoked with the help and info you have supplied. The choice of the 1uz-fe was because of the availablity of the engine.

~SlideWays~ the site about that write up would be great if you can find it out or even if you can get someone to scan a copy of the article and email it to me. I wont bother with a contact number just yet as I am not serious yet. Dont see it costing up to 8 grand though I think $5000 is an achievable budget to do everything right.

Evil_si you had your 1uz in a hilux ? Or where you once planning it? any more info on you conversion if you went through with it. Close manifold meaning what? exhaust manifolds get a bit tight down below clearing the steering etc?

What sort of fuel pump would be the best bet to go for? standard hilux one be sufficient to ge it up and running? how much does a standard fuel pump in a v8 soarer flow? suitable replacement?

Thanks guys any more info much appreciated. Has made it alot more clear on what needs to be done.

So far got

start with 2wd petrol hilux
custom engine mounts
Sum placement to clear steering and cross member
Relocate handbrake pully bracket
w58 supra box or other w5* box
Use stock loom as I wouldntbe moding it really only freeing up intake and exhaust.
Adapter plate for bellhousing get a made up one from Phil bradshaw or quest 4 etc. flywheel and bellhousing aswell.

Please add to list

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Postby evil_si » Sat Oct 02, 2004 1:13 am

mine was goin into a series 6 rx7,
my mate is still doing his in to an e30 bmw, so far ive got it all mounted.

as for exhausts there are 2 types of manifolds, a tight set and a loose flowing set, the set you want is the set that hugs the engine really close, not sure what they came out in.

if you want to run the standard computer and loom, you are best off with the earlier crown setup, the later lexus and soarer wont run without changing the loom and tricking it to think its still auto. as far as im aware no one in nz has accomplished this yet.

the standard hilux pump wont hanlde it, your best bet is probably a series 6 rx7 pump, cheap and easy to get and flow 220 lpm, custom fuel lines arnt hard, just buy 5/16 or 3/8 pushlock hose and the appropriate fittings, its cheaper than most people think and you just have to know were to go.

i would definately go for one of phill bradshaws adaptor plates they are proven accurate unlike quest's, and while talking to phill ask him about the wiring, hes a bit of a genius in this department, pm me for his details if you want to go down this track.
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Postby ~SlideWays~ » Sun Oct 03, 2004 9:51 pm

evil_si wrote: i was looking at running a twin plate clutch custom made by the guys in wellington at 0800 clutch. cant remember the company name.

MP Autoparts/MotorProducts? Greg?

Truenoboy heres the site, looks like they are a bit behind because I cant see any of Phil Bradshaws 1UZFE articles online yet.

Lots of good links too.
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Postby evil_si » Sun Oct 03, 2004 10:06 pm

yep thats them, greg was really helpful.
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Postby Rollux » Mon Oct 04, 2004 12:43 pm

As Al, said, I put a 302 Windsor into my old diesel LN130 Surf. Incl engine and having an automotive fabricator put the engine in, it cost me $3k. With cert and 12months rego. That was 4 years back when certing was $280 for anything.
But I wouldn't recommend the guy who did it. Took him 2 months to do what he said was "as easy as putting your hand on your cock".

Only downside was the chronic consumption of axles and fuel. 280k's from 85l of 96 on the open road.(but it blew 3 foot flames on the overrun) and I broke about 6 axles in 4 months. (prob has a bit to do with my driving tho)
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Postby TruenoBoy » Tue Oct 05, 2004 10:19 pm

Would of been a cool surf :D How did you end up breaking so many axels? was the 302 worked at all? what did you use it for 4wding or just street? Launching hard all the time ? :wink:

Just curious to whether a 1uz-fe would cause chronic axel breakage or not. 4wd have anything to do with it?

Fuel consumption I am guessing wouldnt have helped by being and older carby engine and bigger engine capacity.

What sort of fuel consumption does a 1UZ-FE make pushing around a lexus or older crown etc? Hilux is bound to be a bit lighter to help improve it I am guessing?

Thanks ~SlideWays~ I have emailed them requesting the articles

It seems the way to go would be

start with 2wd petrol hilux
custom engine mounts (possibly gear box aswell)
Use 1uz-fe out of a crown as it has the front sump to clear cross member
Exhaust manifold that runs close into engine to help clear steering etc.
Relocate handbrake pully bracket
w58 supra box or other w5* box
Use stock Loom and ECU
Adapter plate for bellhousing get a made up one from Phil bradshaw Bellhousing, flywheel and clutch to suit
S6 rx7 fuel pump or similar

My next question would be brakes dont think the standard hilux ones would be sufficient is there any rotors, calipers or even hubs I could swap over from another toyota to help out in stopping the beast? I think I would like to look at having disc brakes all round. And maybe twin piston calipers up front or even all round.
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Postby evil_si » Tue Oct 05, 2004 10:23 pm

the guys at north shore plate cutters in albany have a lexus v8 hilux or 2..
the current project is definately worth having a look at, they are using evo 6 calipers and disks, very impressive. and mounting them didnt look like to much of a mission either.
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