4AGZE timing

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4AGZE timing

Postby Lloyd » Sun Oct 03, 2004 10:47 pm

Hey, to adjust the timing on the later model 4AGZE (twin coil jobs) you simply bridge the E1 and TE1 terminals and turn the crank angle sensor to suit, correct?

Checked my timing yesterday and its not looking quite right. There be 2 white marks on the crank pulley which I'm assuming are 0°BTDC and the second mark being 10°BTDC. Currently I'm reading it to be past both marks (ie at about 12°) and there is no adjustment in the crank angle sensor. Its turned right around clockwise (I think) and adjusting the other way just brings on even more advance. Can anyone help me out as its starting to sound like detonation under even the slightest loads and with a turbo on I was hoping to knock it back a little more anyway

Cheers for any help
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Re: 4AGZE timing

Postby matt dunn » Sun Oct 03, 2004 10:56 pm

If it's only just happened and you cant get the timing right it's more than likely jumped a tooth on the cam belt.

Best to remove the covers and have a look for what it takes.

Other thing to note is if the tps is not set correct and the idle contacts are not closed the timing can not be set as the ECU does not return the timing back to base.

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Postby Lloyd » Sun Oct 03, 2004 10:58 pm

Ah, forgot about the TPS. Thanks, I'll have a play with that tomorrow. I dont think the belt has jumped as it still drives quite nicely. Worth checking though I guess.
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Postby sopachrga » Mon Oct 04, 2004 6:36 pm

How do you set a TPS on a '87 4AGZE??
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Postby Lloyd » Mon Oct 04, 2004 6:49 pm

To start with you'll need a set of feeler gauges and a multimeter. Adjust the TPS until all these match up properly. Basically once you get the 0.35 and 0.59mm ones right you should be set


Yellow = Vcc
Red = VTA
Blue = IDL
Brown = Earth (E2)

Just pull the plug off your TPS and check what the resistances are at each terminal at the set conditions (distances) and if they aren't within spec then turn the sensor to suit and tighten it up again.
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