turbo sizes and differences

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turbo sizes and differences

Postby event2 » Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:05 pm

hey im slowly gathering parts togetha to chuck the charger on my ae101 gtz. now i dont have a clue wat is ment by the names of turbo sizes. now im just gonna have a stock computer. what im want wantoing toget out of this is not a race car but sumthing thats actualy has a top end power wise doesnt die off at 5500rpm. so i was woundering if ppl could tell me sum of the propperties to expect for different turbos eg where full boost will cum in where it will start boosting where it will end. no i duno how much boost to run so i would guss i would run 12psi normaly and if i felt inclinned 14psi which i hear is jst before limit on gze computer. or even jst tell me


cheers al
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Postby matt dunn » Mon Oct 04, 2004 11:07 pm

I have a friend who has a T3 turbo for sale.
Quite a few people reckon they're a good thing on a 4AGE.
Off a Z18 so it's not a ceramic wheel one so it will take more punishment.

Wait and see what other people on here reckon as i'm no turbo expert either.

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Postby ~SlideWays~ » Mon Oct 04, 2004 11:33 pm

Isn't the 5500 drop off problem caused by the ECU though? Therefore if you turbo it, you'll still have that problem.

Everyone that i've asked who has a MAP gze has the 5500 problem but it comes and goes. So that cant possibly be the Supercharger, it must be a sensor problem/ecu backing off timing.

My car will back off at 5500 intially but pulls to redline after running the car for ages. That can only mean an ecu problem in my books, so a turbo isn't going to solve that :x

Just something to think about, unless you have a few grand to get a Link of course :D
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Postby mike simmonds » Mon Oct 04, 2004 11:41 pm

go t3, should give plenly of top end, if u went bigger u would proberly want to think about fuel, i think t3's are most efficient up to about 12-14psi.
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Postby EVLGTZ » Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:00 am

~SlideWays~ wrote:Isn't the 5500 drop off problem caused by the ECU though? Therefore if you turbo it, you'll still have that problem.

Everyone that i've asked who has a MAP gze has the 5500 problem but it comes and goes. So that cant possibly be the Supercharger, it must be a sensor problem/ecu backing off timing.

My car will back off at 5500 intially but pulls to redline after running the car for ages. That can only mean an ecu problem in my books, so a turbo isn't going to solve that :x

Just something to think about, unless you have a few grand to get a Link of course :D

yup, there will still be a slight power drop after 5600rpm even with a turbo on the MAP ecu setup. Its not quite as bad as with the s/c and theres plenty more power on tap but yeah its still there.
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Postby EVLGTZ » Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:02 am

yeah, the old T3 wud be fine.

even something smaller like a td04, t25 or t28 would suit what you want out of it.
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Postby Lloyd » Tue Oct 05, 2004 5:58 pm

Cant say I've noticed much of a drop over 5500, might just need a good tune :P

As said above, T3 does the trick. Or try that and see what you think and if its nit right get it rebuild/hybrideded to what you want. Standard computer should be fine if you're not running stupid boost. Good to get it on a dyno and have a decent check of how rich/lean things are running just incase. WOuld suck to put it all together and melt the bloody thing
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Postby EVLGTZ » Tue Oct 05, 2004 6:37 pm

HRT wrote:Cant say I've noticed much of a drop over 5500, might just need a good tune :P

didnt notice it on mine either til i had it on the dyno
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Postby event2 » Tue Oct 05, 2004 6:45 pm

say wat turbo would i be looking for if i wanted it to hit boost earlyer and i wouldnt mind if it started to drop off at 7000rpm would that still be in the area of a t3? or the smaller ones that evlgtz mentioned td04, t25 or t28 r these all much the same size?
cheers for al da replys
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Postby matt dunn » Wed Oct 06, 2004 11:41 pm

EVLGTZ wrote:yeah, the old T3 wud be fine.

even something smaller like a td04, t25 or t28 would suit what you want out of it.

So is a T3 bigger than a T28?
Any advantage at 20psi in changing from T28 to T3?
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Postby EVLGTZ » Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:08 am

matt dunn wrote: Any advantage at 20psi in changing from T28 to T3?

is a T28 still efficient at 20psi? I thought that this would be in the upper limits of its efficicency.

If it was me I'd be running a T3/4 for that amount of boost although for same boost there'd be a fair bit more flow with T3/4 than the T28.

Not too sure on the garret sizings though as have not used many myself. Have always used Mitsi TD series and IHI turbos on my cars.
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Postby mister2 » Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:16 am

matt dunn wrote:
Any advantage at 20psi in changing from T28 to T3?

is a T28 still efficient at 20psi? I thought that this would be in the upper limits of its efficicency.

Depends completely on the compressor maps. garrett have freely made theirs available on the web so you can check - it happens that a T28 uses a 60-trim T3 (comp) wheel. They're efficient up to about 25psi according to the compressor map.
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Postby Lanius » Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:04 pm

HRT wrote:Cant say I've noticed much of a drop over 5500

Thats probably because yours isn't a MAP sensored 4AGTE. Your model should have AFM, and those 4AGZE's didn't have the same 5500rpm drop that the original post is talking about.

Unless of course I'm completely mistaken and you've got a different engine in there, or one of the rare AE92 models that came with a MAP sensor :lol:
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Postby Lloyd » Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:02 pm

Yup, MAP sensored AE92, oil squirters and all those bells and whistles that the good 4AGZEs came with. :)
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Postby Lanius » Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:54 pm

I stand corrected :wink:
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Postby mike simmonds » Fri Oct 08, 2004 1:40 pm

efficientcy of turbo also depends on the exhaust side aswell
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