VTNZ!!!! How to waste time and money

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VTNZ!!!! How to waste time and money

Postby BigDon » Tue Oct 05, 2004 7:34 pm

Hows this for gutting. (Im not slagging off WOF inspectors but how can these guys get it so wrong?)

Sent the missus to VTNZ to get a warrant for my fx, because my usual garage was booked up, she emails me at work saying that its failed because I have enlarged the hole that the particle dump used to go through in the guard to fit a cold air feed and it has a leak in the power steering hose.

I have never had a problem with this hole before and ring the wof inspector and ask him how this exceeds the structural modifcation schedule (LVV cert guy told me to ask this) the guy says any cutting of any metal is a structral modification and has to get a LVV cert so I asked if I drilled a hole would that be a structural mod and he says "yes" (Ive had a warrant from VTNZ before). WTF!!

So I say stuff VTNZ and take it to my usual garage to get the power steering fixed and a second opinion on the hole, my mechanic says the hole is sweet because its not cutting anything structural, the hole was there already and it only slightly bigger etc. He also says there is no leak in the power steering and doesnt know what VTNZ was talking about.

So I get him to re do the warrant and so it cost me another $45 plus him messing round looking for a power steering leak that doesnt exist!

That will teach me for going to VTNZ!
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Postby Lloyd » Tue Oct 05, 2004 7:45 pm

Ring up VTNZ and bitch at them about it, see what they say. Make a point of saying that you've been to other places to inspect the vehicle and that you've had to pay extra, and who you were dealing with at the Testing Station.

Lesson here: Dont go to see VTNZ
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Postby snwtoy » Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:23 pm

I've had the same thing from VTNZ.

They've tried to tell me that my standard evo intercooler was an aftermarket modification, and that because I have abs sensors but no abs that I need a cert, even though that's the way it left the factory.

Bunch of old fuddy duddy's.

Went somewhere else and got the wof, but yeah, waste of money.
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Postby Distrb » Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:55 pm

which vtnz was it dude? just so i know where not to go

feel free to pm me the answer if you dont wanna post it up
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Postby snwtoy » Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:58 pm

The one I got this treatment at was VTNZ Avondale on Rosebank Rd. Close to the motorway onramp at Patiki Rd.

Oh and for the record the guy had no idea what my Lambda Link was (it's a guage that measures a/f ratio ffs!) so decided I would need a mod cert for that as well.
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Postby fangsport » Tue Oct 05, 2004 10:59 pm

her'es a beaut for you all.
went to put one of our trucks through VTNZ Lichfield St ch-ch. failed on a brake valve issue that had been overlooked when i complied it at VTNZ Timaru and lack of a TSL (transport service licence). i ask then why i need a TSL , as i had complied over 50 trucks of various sizes in the last 6 months and had never been asked for one. the reply was the fact it laden weight was over 6500kg. but it's not for hire or reward were a truck sales company not a freight company, i replied. but any vehicle with a GVM over 6500kg needs one. this went over and over through everyone ,i had 6 inspectors including the manager jumping down my throat telling me they won't put a COF on the truck until i supplied one and it wasn't until i told them "i'm from a truck sales company, and i don't(deleted,farm talk) well need a (deleted,again) TSL cos the truck isn't being used for hire or(deleted,yet again) reward so put a sticker on my truck , let me get going and have a nice (deleted)day.

it was bloody priceless watching 6 qualified inspectors (who should know the regulations) walk away with their tail between their legs.

and blow me down and stone the crows when Blenheim asked me the same question when i went to COF a 35 year old retired fire engine.
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Re: VTNZ!!!! How to waste time and money

Postby RunningRich » Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:23 am

BigDon wrote:I have never had a problem with this hole before and ring the wof inspector and ask him how this exceeds the structural modifcation schedule (LVV cert guy told me to ask this) the guy says any cutting of any metal is a structral modification and has to get a LVV cert so I asked if I drilled a hole would that be a structural mod and he says "yes" (Ive had a warrant from VTNZ before). WTF!!

Devil's advocate hat on.

While not all the front structure is classed as "structural", it all has an influence on the frontal crash properties of the vehicle. That hole is designed to deform in a certain way and by changing it you have weakened the structure. Drilling a hole in the wrong place could most definately result in the structure crumpling wrong (or tearing, splitting etc) causing the cabin to deform more than expected.

I doubt your mechanic has much training in structural engineering. I'd be very impressed if he can assess the relative strength of your modification is his head, given the computers the OEM used to develop the structure.

Devil's advocate hat off.

Some of the stuff people do to cars is amazing. VTNZ are playing it safe by stating that they don't have the structural experience to assess modifications (and it isn't their job to) so have passed the issue over to those with (supposed) experience.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Wed Oct 06, 2004 9:06 am

the biggest prob with the wof regs is soooo much is worded "in the inspectors opinion" that makes it open for alsorts of issues. the LTSA deserve to spend a week in micheal jacksons house dressed in school boy uniforms as punishment for that.
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Postby Leon » Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:29 pm

I had a lovely run in at VTNZ with a rental car. We had to go there, because with commercial vehicles, you have to go through VTNZ.

There is a thin plastic cover that goes over the grill (we are talking cardboard thickness), suffice to say, on this example the plastic had fallen off.

This resulted in a long discussion. I didn't particularly care much, because it was a car that belonged to another company, so if it failed, it was somebody elses problem.

The guy failed the car on that. We asked his manager WTF?!?!?!. The manager over ruled the tester after reading the guide, and they issued a COF (wof for a commercial vehicle) to the car.

I get the car back to the yard, and do the check in inspections on the car.... front left tyre is as bald as a bald person on a hairfree day.

Brand new COF fitted on the car. The guy was so hung up about this cover, he didn't check the tyres.

The tester then (I kid you not) refused to talk to me for the next (again, I am not kidding) 5 years. Yes, I was in that job far too long.

Guess what ... this totally immature person was actually managing that branch of the VTNZ last I heard. With his people skills, he should be locked in a basement somewhere ... but no, he's running the joint.


I pity the poor buggers who had to work under him, as in the majority, they were actually pretty good at what they did!
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Postby Bling » Wed Oct 06, 2004 6:36 pm

my car went through no problems, they didn't even car my rear high stop light just sat on the rear parcel shelf.

they did do a very thorough check over of the car, but were quite expensive too :P

so i guess theres good and bad examples :)
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Postby BigDon » Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:05 pm

It was the one on Tory street in Wellington.

HRT its not worth my time to argue, it wont acheive any thing I just wanted a warrant and now Ive got one, even if it did cost over twice as much as it should. Just wont ever be going to VTNZ again.

RunnngRich fair call, I had a look on the LTSA site and their online manual things before I did the work to make sure it wasnt going to be a problem as they have pictures of the "structural bits" you couldnt cut etc. As for those with "supposed experience" they dont have OEM computer programmes either or detailed stress schematics for the majority of cars as far as I am aware, I take it that the LVV guys are engineers rather than mechanics so could have a better idea of the physics of it and I understand why their there etc. but VTNZ and a garage are supposed to have the same inspection rules so I guess like Mr Revhead said it all comes down to opinions!
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Postby CAMB01 » Wed Oct 06, 2004 9:14 pm

I had an incident at VTNZ once in porirua. Some really old guy looked like he should've retired about 5 years ago did my warrant. First he didn't believe that it had the original engine, he thought it was supposed to have some other engine in not a 4AGE (AE92 FX-GT). After a long discussion i pointed out the chassis plate in the engine bay, he accepted that, but then fails me on a small little dent in my rim, saying the rim is unstable and not safe. The next week i take it back after taking to the rim with a hammer to remove the dent, a different guy does the warrant and asks after inspecting the rim what he was suppose to be checking for.
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Postby Ae92typeX » Wed Oct 06, 2004 9:51 pm

gotta love it when you take a car back for a recheck and they dont even know whet the other inspector meant.
Several times I have taken a friends car back in because she had small things fail (bulbs, need a new tyre etc) and they havent even bothered to re-check it.
Then, a few weeks ago I took the supra in, had to get new ball joints. Did them, took it in and on the re-check they failed my break lines. The guy says who ever did this work has stretched the lines. I couldnt be bothered telling him I did it and the line had a crack on the outer casing already (had one at home- just hadnt fitted it)
In saying that, if I was less mechanically minded I'd be happy for them pointing out things that could save my life. I always go to the VTNZ stations, have for 11 years now.
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Postby RS13 » Wed Oct 06, 2004 11:19 pm

I've never really had any majors at VTNZ, I've even taken a few of my modified cars through, no problem, even my baby blue TE71 with hotwires, and flares, etc. (managed to raise a few eyebrows though, lol!)

But then again, I'm in the habit of regularly checking the condition of my car, its not hard to see wether the p/s is leaking, or if a bush is cracked to buggery.. if you own a car, and know a thing or two, its just simpler when it comes to wof time if you've already fixed whats wrong with it!
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Postby Snoozin » Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:18 am

Last time I went to one I had a hell of a shitfight.

Drive in. WOF man checks car. All is well, until he beckons me to look at my rear springs. He claims they are aftermarket, (which is true!) and points out that they are not captive, as he can move them (with a heap of force). I point out they are within LTSA guidelines in that they "MAINTAIN CONTACT WITH OEM SPRING SEATS" and even show him the applicable documents, just to prove that the springs do not necessarily require any kind of preload on them in order to pass a WOF check, they must simply contact both upper and lower spring UNMODIFIED spring seats - which mine certainly do.

So the guy gets all shitty at me, and refuses to do the WOF. I ask to see the manager, and am told that the WOF inspector is the foreman (or whatever), and that he is standing by his decision. I ask them what kind of action I can take, and am rudely told that their decision is final. So I leave, telling them they can expect to hear back from me.

I call the LTSA helpdesk, and am referred to an excellent gentleman, who, unlike the WOF inspector sounded like he knew his stuff. He told me that if my springs were as I described them, then all should be fine. Advises me to see an engineer (even recommended and contacted one for me!) to get written confirmation that the springs were legal, and also advised me of how to get the testing station audited.

So off I toddle to get the engineer to have a looksee... and he even agrees all is well, and gives me written, signed confirmation of this.

Now its back to the testing station - I deal with the same inspector again, and he is still an ass, regardless of the evidence I have to prove my vehicle is safe. So I advise him I am going to request that they be audited - and oh boy... did he back down. Got myself 1x new WOF.

Also went through with the request for audit as well.
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Postby [intrcool] » Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:19 am

sweet.. my rear springs are touching the seats but can be moved by hand.. ill be using your post SnoozinEuro as defence for my next warrant... i normally go to the toyota guys in rotorua (Rotorua Toyota... funny that..)

we'll see what happens.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:21 am

Also went through with the request for audit as well

good on ya mate 8)

mate had his girls van failed on several item in the wkend. some where fair some wernt, but they passed the r/h rear tyre that had frayed canvas showing :?
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Postby HZRDIZ » Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:42 am

I have no end of problems with OnRoad in East Tamaki. Had my exhaust fitted on my old Lancer - passed sweet the first time I took it thru under the new law and drove round merrily for 6 months. Take it back for a new warrent and now it is substantially louder than the factory exhaust which was a load of crap. I said i came here 6 months ago and you guys passed it no sweat. Then he proceeded to bring out his rule book and say its up to their discretion - obviously somebody who doesnt like nice cars or was deprived as a child. Anyway took it to my mechanic and he just laughed at them and passed it.

Then took the Levin for its warrent at the same place. Everything was good bar the rear brakes-it was just slightly over the allowed variance. What even annoys me more was the guy then had to ask me if the car had ABS and then started bagging my car for its super slut suspension design. Anyway take the car to my mechanic to get the brakes fixed and he said theres nothing wrong with them. Then told me a story about how the testing stations machine arnt calibrated correctly and that they always give out an incorrect reading.

Hate to think what my new cars gonna have said about it!!! 8O
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Postby Rollux » Thu Oct 07, 2004 12:47 pm

My old Starlet GT (that I sold to my sister) had an aftermarket rear sway bar that I put on it. It got 2 warrants on it when I owned it, and it's all legal, just bolting on to the chassis and axle. However, as soon as my sis took it for a warrant, it gets failed. They ask her why she put it on, and she said "I didn't, I've only just got the car, and I didn't know it had one. I don't even know what it is." They send her away to get it certified. She came and saw me, I took a photocopy of the regs and drove it straight back down to the station. They had a quick glance and said it was all sweet. WTF????
Every warrant she goes for they question it, and every warrant I rock back thru with the laws in my hand and they don't say a word.
No wonder I just get a work mate to write me out warrants...
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Postby YeMs » Thu Oct 07, 2004 9:57 pm

lol, well VTNZ have just gotten bigger... they have bought out on-road NZ... at the end of the day its not VTNZ as a company that are making these outrageous claims etc, its the inspectors themselves. double standards are a huge issue. say the inspector lives and breathes holden (like so many of those old $&#$% do) and a mint old kingswood comes in. has a couple of mm play in the ball joints or tie roads or wateva. more than likely they are gunna pass it. this old bugger lives in a street that has 'young hoons' flying up and down regularly. a modified car comes in and the ball joint or tie rod (wateva the problem may be) has the smallest amount of play, they are gunna fail it. its just how it works.
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