converting ae101 from auto to manual

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converting ae101 from auto to manual

Postby Mr Revhead » Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:57 am

my cousin has been offered an auto levin for a good price, thing is its auto and hes not interested in driving an auto (good lad)
i want to know if anyones done this conversion before, and if so was there any little traps you found? something that did fit right, need a bash etc etc.
dont need step by step details, it pretty much bolts in just after the not so obvious things...

the ecus are different but im not sure if they are diff enough to warrant a change, if anyones done this conversion id love to know what they did
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Postby Dr-X » Sat Oct 09, 2004 11:22 am

Just buy a manual, there's plenty around at good prices.
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Postby Mr Revhead » Sat Oct 09, 2004 11:27 am

helpfull comments please :wink:

i am well aware of the market value of these, and the cost of the parts to convert, this is definitly a feasable project 8)
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Postby celica_tommo » Sat Oct 09, 2004 5:35 pm

I would have to agree with Dr-X but I'll try and be a little helpful... I did the auto-manual conversion on my st-182

Messing around with the pedals on my back was the most annoying thing... the pedals are just not constructed to come out, there was some cutting of plastic bits etc.

Drilling the holes in the firewall is the bit that you've got to get right first time. I found that the firewall was thinner than i thought and easy to drill through but getting the holes in the right place and grinding them out to the right size to fit the clutch master cylinder in was difficult... remember any small angle that the holes are out of alignment will make the pedal a lot out of alignment...It's just an irritating job to do... I'd just buy a manual
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Postby TRDWGN » Sat Oct 09, 2004 6:26 pm

I converted my AE82, older i know however very much the same in principal... I pulled the motor/box out as one (as i also converted from powersteer to a manual rack and it was just easier to pull the lot!) drilling the holes in the fire wall is a minor, regarding pedals, i retained the existing brake pedal bracket and just change the actual pedal over to the narrower one, the clutch obviously bolts straight up so is very minor. With pulling the motor and box out it is far easier to route the clutch lines and the shifter cables from there it is pretty much just nuts and bolts :lol:

To bypass the starter inhibiter i just cut the plug off the slushie joined the two wires together and plugged back into the standard auto loom. the auto ecu will have no problems running with a manual box!
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Postby Mr Revhead » Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:06 am

cheers guys, was hoping some one had actually done the ae101... im aware of all the usual bits, its the model specific things i was hoping for!!
the all up price for this project is $4000 for all parts and purchase of the car. not a bad deal for one thats in such good condition, you can get them cheaper but this ones damn good. facelift too 8)
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Postby Dr-X » Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:36 am

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Postby Mr Revhead » Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:44 am

ok if some noob asks about auto/man conversion fair enough.... however this isnt the case, in this case, this a doable and economicly sound idea.
no labour is being paid for, parts are damn cheap and the starting vehicle is a damn good deal.

none of those trademe ones are close in kays, condition or what ever and they all appear to be prefacelifts. the only one id look at is the one with adjustable suspension. then you gotta factor in the fact none of those are close by. id NEVER buy a car like that unsighted by myself cause im a fussy bugger :D
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Postby vvega » Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:59 am

sould be a peace of piss
boxes are dam cheap
as are clutch kits

if you need a little online al will help ya get hold of me
ive just changed a auto mr2 to manuel
trust me its a walk in the park :D

i recon at trade prices it will cost ya less than 500 all up
and if ya like me with deals probably 250 ish :D


Postby Mr Revhead » Mon Oct 11, 2004 10:02 am

yeah thats what i figure, but occasionlly some cars will throw a little curve ball with a funny bracket etc, thats what im trying to find out!

looks very straight forward so far... straight boltin, only need to change 2 mounts and swap the g/box bits, even the brake pedals bracketd are the same 8) should be done in a day i reckon easy.
oo sjust jinxed it! :lol:
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Postby vvega » Mon Oct 11, 2004 10:50 am

yeah well lol
theres only the 2 gearbox mounts to really worry about and they sould be the same
the rest is easy peazy

Postby Caveman » Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:42 pm

Revhead let us know how it goes.

When I got my car the model I wanted which was for sale was an auto, so I got it planning for a converstion, then I started to like the auto :oops: (Launches, eating while driving, smooth ride) but now after reading
sould be a peace of piss

should be done in a day i reckon easy.

Im keen :D

How much for st162 manual box?
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Postby L8TR » Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:19 am

Dude ring me at work,
do you have the body collinson repair manuals for both?
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