fuel gauge does not work

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fuel gauge does not work

Postby Bahamuth » Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:16 am

Anyone know how to fix that?
my 86's fuel meter always show full although its not.
The warning light for empty fuel still work properly, and that is the only way I can tell if my fuel running low.
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Postby blitza » Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:24 am

sounds like your instrument in the dash is crook, one thing you can try is remoove the clear cover and see if the needle is jammed, or shrt the wires at the level sender to see if there is any moovement at the gauge.
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Postby Bahamuth » Thu Oct 14, 2004 5:03 am

I tried to move the needle to empty. but when I start the car
it went up to full. so I guess the needle still alright
where is the sander? is that the thing that goes into the fuel tank at the back? how do I test it? do I have to use voltmeter?
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Postby Spannergal » Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:52 am

yes the sender is in the fuel tank but can't remember how to test it
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Postby vvega » Thu Oct 14, 2004 10:52 am

sounds like the sender is just stuck pull it out and free it up a bit :d
sould fix it fight up

ps its in the fuel tank
theres prolly an inspection hatch to get to it as well

Postby Bahamuth » Fri Oct 15, 2004 2:07 am

okay, thanks. I will try to do that after Sunday :)
dun want to mess thing up before the AE86 meeting.
Btw is there anything I should prepare first (eg. gasket or anything) before I yank the things out? i'm quite new to this and I don't want to create a mess and have to sent to garage after stuff up my 86 :oops:
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Postby Bahamuth » Thu Oct 21, 2004 2:55 am

Okay, I took the fuel sender out.. it does not seem to be stuck.
While I open up dashboard to change one of the backlight i try play around with the fuel meter also but does not know what to do with it :?
After I put back the whole things. I notice now my fuel does not go up to full anymore but does not seem to work either. (before I tried to move the needle to empty position and it move up to full).
any idea?
btw the lightbulb for the back of dashboard is it 12v 5w?
the last lightbulb seem 12v 2.2w but I cant really read it clearly.
I put 12v 5w, it seem brighter and once a while the centre light goes off and then on again.
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Postby Bahamuth » Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:57 am

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Postby Ae92typeX » Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:02 am

Re: ur fuel gauge,
Did you test the sender with a multimeter?. If not I'd rip it out (no I mean unbolt it), and test the resistance is actually changing at different levels you put it at. If it appears to change, then test the line (from sender to gauge) again if thats going well, I would personally just start looking for a new gauge. Possibly there are other toyota compatable ones??, but you may need to keep a look out for an ae 85/86 one
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Postby Bahamuth » Sat Oct 23, 2004 12:33 am

Thanks for the advice, I will try that with multimeter as soon as Im able to fix my multimeter.. :oops:
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Postby Bahamuth » Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:11 am

okay, I already try take out the sender
have a quick looked at it. and since I still dun have multimeter and it doesnt seem anything wrong with it so I don't know what to do with it.
I put it back in but now it seem it works because my gauge doesn't go to full anymore and it seem it move down after few days of driving

but I got another problem, stupid me :oops: when I open up the dashboard I didn't put the fuel gauge needle correctly so although now it's almost empty but the needle goes down from 3/4 full to 1/2.
now how do i put back the needle to the right position? I mean like how do I find out where it should be.
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Postby Bahamuth » Sun Oct 31, 2004 8:39 am

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Postby evil_si » Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:57 am

if its stuck on full, there is most probably a short to earth on the signal wire, or else a crook sender unit,

or possibly if it is a 2 wire sender the wires could be around the wrong way.

i would start by unplugging the wires from the sender in the tank, or on top were it goes thru the tank.
see if that makes any change,
* if the guage stays full check the wires to the dash it is possible it has worn thru and is in contact with earth.
* if the guage goes to empty swap the wires around and re test it, if it makes no change the sender unit is stuffed
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Postby Bahamuth » Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:48 am

yup, that part I already did it. it works now, but I accidentally moved the fuel needle. it now goes down and up whenever I fill up and drive the car. but it show the wrong amount. (when it goes empty it still showing about 1/4 tank left). so how do I fix it? how do I find the right place?
I was thinking to top up the fuel to the max and hopefully that because it can't go over the full, so it will hold and fix the problem, but before I do that I thought I better ask first :)
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Postby evil_si » Tue Nov 02, 2004 8:57 am

ah oki.
yea fill it to the top, and then move the needle to read full.
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Postby Bahamuth » Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:06 am

ah, thanks
cheers bro :)
so i just need to top it up to full and the needle will move and stop at full by itself rite? will do that now.
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