cleaning air filter

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cleaning air filter

Postby levin_it_large » Sun Oct 17, 2004 12:53 pm

ok i've used the search engine and can't find anything in there

i have an apexi super air filter and i've been told use kerosene but i don't trust that it would work.

anyone got some other suggestions??
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Postby vvega » Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:05 pm

i know its harse but save and buy a new one
you dont wanna do anything tht may damage its filtering quality now do you :d


Postby Lloyd » Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:18 pm

Repco sell K&N filter cleaning kits which come with the cleaner for the filter and fresh filter oil to put on it once its dried out.
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Postby Dr-X » Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:21 pm

vvega wrote:i know its harse but save and buy a new one
you dont wanna do anything tht may damage its filtering quality now do you :d


These filters are designed to be cleaned and re-used.

Give it a blow out with compressed air, that should do the trick, I would think. In saying that, I have no idea what type of filter that is :oops:

Repco sell K&N filter cleaning kits which come with the cleaner for the filter and fresh filter oil to put on it once its dried out.

These cleaning kits are for use with only that specific type of air cleaner. Again, I dont know what type his is, but for example, you wouldnt use a k&n cleaning kit with a foam type filter.
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Postby levin_it_large » Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:29 pm


it is the same type of one as shown in this page

an APEXi filter
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Postby Lloyd » Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:38 pm

Be careful with blowing out "performance filters" with compressed air. If you blast them with compressed air you're likely to actually rip small parts of the filter off which can get into your engine as well as not filter quite so well due to not so fine holes which will obviously lead to bigger bits of shite getting into your engine.

As far as I know the K&N filter cleaning stuff should be alright on most washable filters. Its basically a cleaning solution that you spray on and leave for 10-15 mins before washing off with water (not high pressure, just rinse kinda thing) and let dry naturally. After that re-oil the filter (very important, this is how these filters actually filter) with the squirty bottle of filter oil that comes in the pack.

Having a look at that page it reckons the Apexi one isn't washable, just dry type. In that case just lightly blow it out with air from the inside out (reverse direction of how air would normally flow through it).
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Postby thaphatty » Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:46 pm

haha, you could have 2 cheaper pod filters in series couricergh
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Postby vvega » Sun Oct 17, 2004 8:15 pm

Dr-X wrote:
vvega wrote:i know its harse but save and buy a new one
you dont wanna do anything tht may damage its filtering quality now do you :d


These filters are designed to be cleaned and re-used.

Give it a blow out with compressed air, that should do the trick, I would think. In saying that, I have no idea what type of filter that is :oops:

Repco sell K&N filter cleaning kits which come with the cleaner for the filter and fresh filter oil to put on it once its dried out.

These cleaning kits are for use with only that specific type of air cleaner. Again, I dont know what type his is, but for example, you wouldnt use a k&n cleaning kit with a foam type filter.

i have seen many a person $&#$% there filters doing that
and thus would never give it as advice

just remeber if some noob goes out does what you say and $&#$% it youll be sure to know its you name they will remeber

not ment to be nasty but i have been burnt before giving out tech info
more of a watching ya back


Postby Mr Revhead » Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:51 pm

yes gotta be care full, but also gotta use ya brain when taking advice...
using compressed air to blow out filters isnt the best but can be done, dont hold the nozzle hard into the filter, and dont use full pressure, but that will only help a little, filters are designed to trap particles, so blowing it out will only remove some dirt. best bet is too replace it.
if its made of paper or stuff that looks like pinkbats then itll be a non cleanable type. if its guaze with fine mesh (k&n) then it will be cleanable. my advice then is to contact the manufactorer or their agent for the correct cleaners/oils
if you cant find any info etc then its prob bes tif you bin it and get a new one. a filter thats not filtering will increase engine wear alarmingly
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Postby malc » Mon Oct 18, 2004 2:15 pm

Yeah, like said before,
dont blast them with the compressor it will turn to custard.
they have to be washed with cleaner,
buy a cleaning kit or get a mechanic to do it
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