wiring up a carb 4age. HELP

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wiring up a carb 4age. HELP

Postby Peradx » Sun Oct 17, 2004 2:08 pm

dose anyone know whats needed and how to mod`s to the 4k dizzy to make it work with the 4age?
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Postby ee904age » Sun Oct 17, 2004 5:00 pm

Ummm I may be wrong but I dont think the 4K dizzy is right for the job.
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Postby ChaosAD » Sun Oct 17, 2004 7:02 pm

ive heard of people doing that too.
I think they use the 4age base and sprocket.
Should be on here if u do a search.
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Postby kingcorolla » Sun Oct 17, 2004 7:03 pm

accually ive heard somewere, that a k series dizzy will work, with a bit of modification in the dizzy shaft.
And the electronic ignition system from a 3k is a good choice.

*Edit*- after posting this, i decided to have a look for myself.

now from what i can see, the oil pump drive on the 4k dizzy will need to be cut off, and the helical gear WILL have to be changed, due to the helix going the wrong way on the 4k shaft.
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Postby JasonZE » Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:26 pm

Its not to hard if you have the right bits and someone with a lathe etc.

First find a 4k dizzy there are 2 types you want the one with the igniter inside if you take the cap off its pretty full inside the other type just has a pickup and half the dizzy is empty.
take the gear off, cut off oil pump .

Find a 4age dizzy cut the boss section (bit with o ring) off and bore it till it press fits onto the bottom of your 4k unit.
The one we did we had to get a piece of alloy welded to the hold down bracket to get it to line up with the hole in the head, others have used a plate to hold it down instead.
Fit the 4age drive gear to the 4k dizzy.
Then its a simple 2 wire hook up directly to the coil.
We run it at 12 degrees static no vacuum advance but the mechanical advane has been modified a bit.
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Postby dxtawagon » Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:51 pm

you bought those twin carbs off me aye, ive got a dizzy i ysed to run with them that fits straight onto the 4age but you need a ignitor(i had a bosch one that seemed to work alright) i think it needs new seals but you could have that for quite cheap if your keen. not sure whats diff to a strandard 4age dizzy but it does look different, it has vacuum advance on it but that wasnt hookd up
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